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Quotations are commonly printed as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader.

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Presentation on theme: "Quotations are commonly printed as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quotations are commonly printed as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader.

2 12 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes
Take the MC on your own Circle answers in packet AND bubble in 10 minutes Justify answers briefly – how do you know it’s correct? 5 minutes Share/compare with buddy near you

3 13. C 18. A 23. A 28. B 14. E 19. B 24. A 15. E 20. C 25. D 16. B 21. E 26. A 17. E 22. A 27. C MC #2

4 HEY AP! Let’s go through reminders for how to be successful on a Question 2 style essay.

5 Question 2 – Rhetorical Analysis

6 The Task “Well-developed” –
you include evidence, you explain the effect of the device, you connect to argument/theme “effectively analyze” – you demonstrate understanding of the device & the author’s argument, as well as its significance “various devices, tropes, etc.” – You select at least TWO devices that are important to the argument “author’s argument” – You understand the author’s purpose and argument The Task Your goal is to write a well- developed essay in which you effectively analyze various rhetorical devices, tropes, schemes, and/or tone, and their impact on the author’s argument. Let’s break that down

7 How much time should you spend on each part of the writing process?
1. The timeline How much time should you spend on each part of the writing process?

8 40 minutes The College Board suggests you take 40 minutes of your 2 hour and 15 minute writing period to work on the Question 2, Rhetorical Analysis Essay.

9 TIMELINE 30 minutes – WRITE
Spend the bulk of your time actually writing the analysis. Thesis statement Background Lead-in to first quotation Analysis of device, connotation, effect on argument and/or persuasiveness Transition and lead-in to second quotation Analysis of device, connotation, effect on argument and/or persuasiveness Repeat above with device 2 and device 3, if applicable Concluding Statement 3 minutes – PLAN Create an outline Thesis - __________ & ____________ to prove _________________ Paragraph 1 – device 1 Example Paragraph 2 – device 2 Conclusion or concluding statement 5 minutes – READ and annotate the piece presented. Don’t skip over the background info. Determine: the most effective/influenti al devices SOAPSTone – especially Purpose. The argument or message 2 minutes - PROOFREAD - Take the last bit of time to fix any minor errors

10 HLWE – Thesis example In the story, Hills Like White Elephants, Ernest Hemingway displays simplistic language and choppy syntax to create a contradictory tone, displaying that humans will sacrifice their own wants and needs to feel accepted and loved. Let’s label the parts! Topic Claim Directives Qualifier Theme/argument

11 Background summary/topic sentence
“Hills Like White Elephants” tells the story of two ex-patriots traveling through Europe in the 1920s. They are clearly lovers, though not married, and are waiting for the train to the next destination. Though their conversation is choppy and vague, the setting is symbolic of the decision they must soon make, and the effect it will have on their love. One seemingly small detail that is actually important is the beaded curtain.

12 Lead-ins effectively integrating evidence
Transition C Context S Speaker

13 For example, when Jig and the American are finishing their drinks, the man brings up an operation, saying that it will solve their problems. Right after this, the narrator explains, “the girl looked at the bead curtain, put her hand out, and took hold of two of the strings of beads,” (Hemingway 2).

14 Explanation & Analysis
What is the device and how is it used? What is interesting, important, or connotative about it? How does this example convey the theme or argument?

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