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INTRODUTION A society, or a human society, is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social grouping sharing.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUTION A society, or a human society, is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social grouping sharing."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUTION A society, or a human society, is a group of people related to each other through persistent relations, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or virtual territory, subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.

3 समाज एक से अधिक लोगों के समुदाय को कहते हैं जिसमें सभी व्यक्ति मानवीय क्रियाकलाप करते हैं।जो मानवीय क्रियाकलाप में आचरण, सामाजिक सुरक्षा और निर्वाह आदि की क्रियाएं सम्मिलित होती हैं। समाज लोगों का ऐसा समूह होता है जो अपने अंदर के लोगों के मुकाबले अन्य समूहों से काफी कम मेलजोल रखता है। किसी समाज के अंतर्गत आने वाले व्यक्ति एक दूसरे के प्रति परस्पर स्नेह तथा सहृदयता का भाव रखते हैं। दुनिया के सभी समाज अपनी एक अलग पहचान बनाते हुए अलग-अलग रस्मों-रिवाज़ों का पालन करते हैं।

4 MEANING This term has been derived from a Latin word 'socious' that means association or companionship. Thus society means 'A larger group of individuals, who are associative with each other'.

5 Definitions of Society
August Comte the father of sociology saw society as a social organism possessing a harmony of structure and function.Emile Durkheim the founding father of the modern sociology treated society as a reality in its own right. According to Maclver and Page society is a system of usages and procedures of authority and mutual aid of many groupings and divisions, of controls of human behavior and liberties. This ever changing complex system which is called society is a web of social relationship.

6 Characteristics of Society
society is a largest human group. It satisfies the needs of its members. One of the characteristic of society is having sense of belonging and cooperation. It is more or less permanent association It is abstract (Because social relationships can be felt and imagined and cannot be seen). Everyone in society is dependent upon every other member. It should be organized i.e. will be having division of labor.

7 It will be having likeness and differences
It will be having likeness and differences. Due to these differences, variety in human behaviors and division of labor and specialization of roles is there. "There is consciousness of kind." Among the members of society. It is always changing. It has its own means to survive. It is a self-sufficient social system. It lasts for a longer period of time than groups and communities. It will form a social structure through social institutions i.e. family, education economic, political and religious institutions. These basic five institutions are found in all societies of the world. One of the characteristic of society has its own culture.

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