Where did the Loyalists go? Pg

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Presentation on theme: "Where did the Loyalists go? Pg"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where did the Loyalists go? Pg. 104 - 8
Vocabulary: Absentee landlords

2 Who and Why Leave?

3 Introduction The Loyalists had been leaving the 13 colonies since 1776
Loyalists who stayed were at risk from being persecuted By 1785, left Some went to Britain, while others to the Caribbean Between – went to British North America

4 The Loyalists arriving in Nova Scotia

5 Struggles faced by Tories (Loyalists)
Many Tories came to Quebec and Nova Scotia as refugees during the Revolution. Many were killed by Patriots or received a punishment called being “tarred and feathered”. Many of their businesses were destroyed by Patriots or their homes taken from them.

6 A Changing British North America
The arrival of many Loyalists to British North America (Quebec and Nova Scotia) resulted in the creation of 2 new colonies. New Brunswick was formed from a part of Nova Scotia. Quebec split into two parts: Lower Canada (Quebec now) and Upper Canada (Ontario now).


8 Nova Scotia Loyalists complained about their new home which they called ‘Nova Scarcity’ for its harsh winters and lack of food. They settled in three major area’s: Halifax- which already had a British community set up. Shelburne- Loyalists set this city up. It was close to the sea with a large harbor. St. John River Valley- (later New Brunswick)

9 Formerly St. John River Valley >>>Creation of New Brunswick
Loyalists felt they were too far away from the government capital in Halifax. The Nova Scotia government agreed with them and soon after New Brunswick became its own colony with its own representative government in 1784

10 Why did the British agree to New Brunswick?
Easier to control because there would be two governments Create new jobs for educated people that needed them Easier to protect if there was a Loyalist colony on the American border


12 The British Colony of Prince Edward Island
Only about 600 Loyalists tried to settle here Many could not buy land because already owned by absentee landlords (people who owned land but did not live there) Those who chose to pay had to pay high rent The British Colony of Cape Breton Island Separate colony from Nova Scotia in 1784 Very few came here because of absentee landlords Joined with Nova Scotia in 1820


14 The British Colony of Newfoundland
Settlement was not encouraged here British government did not want to transport any Loyalists there They wanted to focus on areas where fishing was

15 Vocabulary: Petition Refugee Pioneer Segregation Irony
Loyalists in Quebec Vocabulary: Petition Refugee Pioneer Segregation Irony

16 What about Loyalists who fled to Quebec?
Many were crowded into refugee (person who leaves home or country to seek safety elsewhere) camps. By 1783, 7000 who had come, 6000 were put into refugee camps They were waiting for the government to decide what to do with them

17 Governor Haldimand Governor Haldimand of Quebec was told to encourage the Loyalists to “go home” but he knew this would not happen Did not want Loyalists, who learned American ideas of equality, liberty, and representative government Did not want them telling the French-speaking inhabitants

18 Governor Haldimand II Governor Haldimand of Quebec gave the Loyalists land in western Quebec – far away from the French (segregation) The Loyalists decided they needed many things if they were going to be pioneers (first people to explore or settle a new area) What types of supplies would they need?


20 Petition Document containing a request directed to the government
What changes they want; space for them to sign their names in support

21 Petition Read “An Example of Loyalist Petition” PG. 111
Summarize the demands of the petition Sample: Boards, Nails, Shingles…The Loyalists demanded building materials to build their houses

22 Petition – Other Demands
Weapons, bullets, and axes Farming tools and tools to build their houses Knife sharpening equipment Clothing for a year Food for 2 years Plant seeds A blacksmith (someone who makes metal)

23 Government Response to Demands
One tent per family One musket (type of gun) given to every five men Farming tools Variety of seeds (goal was to farm) Food Clothes for 3 years

24 Irony Occurs when one thing is expected, but the opposite of that thing happens Analyze the statement and explain why it is ironic: The wheat seed (that was given to the Loyalists) had to be purchased from American farmers in Vermont.

25 Irony Analyze the statement and explain why it is ironic:
The wheat seed (that was given to the Loyalists) had to be purchased from American farmers in Vermont. This is ironic because we would not expect the British to trade with the Americans in order to feed the people that had to run away from them during the Revolution

26 Land System The Loyalists did not like the seigneurial system
Used the British Freehold System (each farmer can own his own land) Army officers and people with large families were given larger pieces of land Everybody else was randomly given land (chose randomly from a hat)

27 Challenges Faced Establishing Western Quebec
Not enough jobs Difficult to clear the land for farming Not enough supplies (some had no shoes for a year) Cold winter, Drought (no water for the farms) Starvation: “The Hungry Year”

28 Native Loyalists After the American Revolution, many Iroquois groups were invited to move to BNA Wanted to live closer to their allies, the British because 13 Colonies moving into the Ohio Valley (no longer had to follow the Proclamation or Quebec Act because independent of Britain)

29 Native Loyalists II Thayendanegea
Iroquois chief who fought for the British in the Revolution and then moved his people to BNA English name: Joseph Brant Sir Guy Carleton (Commander) helped the Loyalists escape from New York during the Revolution/fight for their rights

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