Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC

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Presentation on theme: "Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
Subcommittee 1: Techniques and Developments Zhong Chen SC1 Chair 5/10/2017

2 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
SC1 Techniques and Developments Scope Subcommittee 1 provides the technical expertise and resources necessary for maintaining existing and newly proposed C63® approved standards documents. New or existing measurement methods, site qualification methods, calibration methods, associated instrumentation, and limits development are incorporated as assigned by the Main Committee ASC C63®.

3 Subcommittee 1 Membership Roster
Chair Vice Chair Secretary Chen, Zhong Hodes, Harry O’Neil, Janet (non-voting) Name Role within SC Affiliation Arthurs, Mark Member Sony Chen, Zhong Chair ETS-Lindgren DeLisi, Bob UL LLC Dickten, Thomas GC Consulting Elliott, William (Mac) TÜV SÜD America, Inc. Ghizzone, Dean Element Materials Technology Griffin, Andy CISCO Systems Harrington, Tim FCC Heirman, Don Don HEIRMAN Consultants Hodes, Harry Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. Hoolihan, Dan Hoolihan EMC Consulting Howard, Mike Liberty Labs Jones, Steve FCC Laboratory Kiemel, Greg Klinger, Jeff Compatible Electronics, Inc. Kuczynski, Victor Vican Electronics Lombardi, Rick Visteon Corporation / SAE Primary Long, Randy ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board d.b.a Laboratory Accreditation Bureau Nixon, Jason Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada O’Neil, Janet Secretary O’Dwyer, Michael Apple, Inc. Pettit, Ghery Pettit EMC Consulting LLC Potts. Nate Samoto. Mits Liberty Labs Asia Schaefer, Werner Schaefer Associates Sigouin, Dan DHS-EMC Waitt, David Consultant Silberberg, Jeffrey L FDA Center for Devices & Radiological Health Wall, Art Radio Regulatory Consultants / TCB Council Ward, Dennis PCTEST Engineering Laboratory Whitesell, Steve Whitesell Consulting / TIA Zainal, Khairul LS Research Zimmerman, Dave Spectrum EMC Consulting, LLC

4 Update on Working Groups
C63.2 Specifications for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength Measurement Instrumentation Working Group Chair: Werner Schaefer • Published this month

5 C63.4 Full Revision Chair: Don Heirman

6 Progress Major activity since last face to face meeting:
Reviewed many inputs on the use of “shall” and “should” for normative and informative perspective, respectively in clauses 1 through 5. Most discussed was need to perform NSA to cover EUT heights of up to 3 meters. Developed three “teams” to amend, where appropriate, parts of 2014 standard. Held monthly webinars after November 2016 meeting to review particular areas needing discussion and team output

7 Changes proposed to date
Added phase for LISNs Proper use of shall/should aggressively pursued Added new Clause 1.4 (dimensional tolerances) Measurement uncertainty now applies to entire document Revised definitions (bin size, arrangements, configurations, auxiliary, peripheral, test setup, etc. New sub-clause for preamps Clarified average detection Reformatted tables 1, 2 and 3 on antenna use Active loop, monopole and horn overload addressed

8 Changes proposed to date
Calibration of measuring equipment was updated to cover all ancillary equip. Use 2017 version of C63.5 and new version of C63.2 Continue to use undated ANSI references Clarified turntable below and above 1 GHz (metallic, non-metallic) Moved text around to where it belongs without changing requirements Vertical coupling plane was clarified for table, floor, combination equipment Test site below 30 MHz to use ground plane without NSA needed Annex D not addressed as it is handled the in C63.4a Amendment Removed patch of absorber on ground plan; all >1 GHz must meet SVSWR to 18 GHz (applicable to 40 GHz) In-situ testing is aligned with C63.10 content

9 Monday Meeting Next steps:
Presented draft to date and discussed further changes as needed. Includes consideration of all interpretations Reviewed topics to be postponed until after the present one in preparation is published Prepare draft to ballot probably by EOY PINS by September for SC1 review Publication in late 2018 or early 2019

10 Accredited Standards Committee C63® - EMC
C63.4a Limited Amendment Chaired by: Don Heirman

11 Tuesday Meeting Met on 5/9/17 Ballot closed on 6 April.
Two negative ballots and 2 approvals with comments. Reviewed all comments and developed resolutions to amend the draft

12 Tuesday Meeting Next steps:
Circulate ballot comment resolutions to SC1 for approval. Approval will allow a recirculation ballot to occur with changes based on the comment resolutions Send amended draft to secretariat along with the comment resolution for a recirculation ballot in May. If ballot successful, publication by August

13 Motion to Correct Far field equation
A motion was approved in the steering committee to correct the far field equation in C The correction is intended to be included in C63.4a.

14 C63.25 Chaired by: Dan Sigouin

15 Background on New C63.25 WG In February 2016 it was decided and approved by the SC1 Chair that the C63.4 WG (Don Heirman) will continue addressing the site validation requirements below 1 GHz. C63.25 is only addressing the frequency range 1GHz to 18 GHz regarding site validation. New standard – Plan to circulate a draft to SC1 in first quarter of 2017 The TD SVSWR Method in the current draft of C63.25 is for all intent and purposes complete.

16 PINS is current (see website)
Scope: This standard provides methods of measurement requirements for the validation of radiated emission test sites in the frequency range of 1 GHz to 18 GHz. These requirements are applicable to fully anechoic rooms (FAR) and when spectrally treated on the floor open-area test sites (OATS), fully- and partially-covered OATS, semi-anechoic chambers (SAC).

17 The TD SVSWR measurement methods for all intends and purposes are complete
Working group is working on an informative annex to include instrumentation measurement uncertainties WG identified contributors for the measurement uncertainties WG intends to circulate in SC1 by end of 2017.

18 C63.5 WG STATUS UPDATE Chaired by Bob DeLisi

19 C63.5 Update May 2016 C63.5-2017 was officially published in May 2017
A new working group is called to start C63.5 next edition. Motion: to approve new PINS for C63.5

20 New Businesses C63.23 is currently 5 years old. There were discussions to form a new working group to update to include new measurement needs.

21 Interpretation requests
4 recent interpretation requests were received since last meeting 2 have been approved by main committee and posted

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