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Presentation on theme: "Leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaders

2 Who I think are great leaders
Winston Churchill Angelina Jolie Barack Obama


4 Winston Churchill One of the most popular/honoured British Prime Ministers of all time. As a leader, he was responsible for the entire country. He is a great speech maker.

5 He had a purpose for himself and British history
He had a purpose for himself and British history. He worked with his group of supporters effectively to achieve his goal. He and his political teams stood alone against fascism, which was spread wide in Europe at the time and renewed the world's faith in the superiority of democracy.


7 Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie has very strong characteristics – she is decisive, courageous, and bold. she always prefers action. Even though She is a brilliant speech maker, and is able to deliver her thoughts/opinions to large crowds with compassion, she mostly shows her ideas through her actions. she visits places, attend meetings with world leaders, set up charities. She was chosen as one of the most powerful/influential people in the world by the Time magazine.

8 cont. Angelina Jolie she is popular not just because of her successful acting careers, but also because of her leadership/works as an UN ambassador. She fights for human rights, justices. She is confident and is able to listen to other people’s opinions as well as speaks out passionately. In one interview, she said she feels that it is up to her to take actions to go after her goals or desire very aggressively.


10 Barack Obama Barack Obama is one of the most talked-about leaders in the world right now. He is an outstanding leader. He is a brilliant speech maker. His speeches are emotional, inspiring, empathetic as well as convincing. He had a team of large number of people working for him, working with him. He is a team player, he worked with them effectively. He is a confident person.

11 He communicates with the audience remarkably
He communicates with the audience remarkably. People started believing in him, and supporting him. As a result, as we all know he won an US presidential election in 2008 as a Black person for the first time in its long history against all odds. He gained his victory despite of all the obstacles. He is a great leader. Americans saw his abilities, and they chose him as their leader.

12 What was the common/similar/same characteristics those people had?
Did they have a goal? Did they listen to other people? Did they work alone? Did they work with team members? Did they communicate with them well? Did they take any actions? Were they great speech makers?

13 Task You (each group) have ten minutes!!!!
Please pick one person you think is a great leader Explain to the class why they are great leaders (you can write it down if you want to!). Everybody gets to make a speech about this for 1-2 minutes in front of the class

14 Things to think about the leader you have chosen
What skills do they have? Why people follow them? Why do you like them? Why are they popular? Why are they successful? What did they do? GOOOOOD LUCK 

15 Who else can be leaders? Your school teachers? Your parents?
Your brother/sister? Your President? Class captains?

16 Leader is a person who has a set of characteristics including cultural sensitivity, social responsibility, is an active learner He or she is eager to make positive changes/impacts on the society and isn’t afraid to take a step further out of his/her comfort zone for a challenge.

17 What global problems ın the world do you know?

18 World Issues in a current society that need to be resolved by the leaders
Global warming Terrorism Financial Crisis Poverty

19 area has never been seen to be less then ten feet of solid ice.

20 Terrorism

21 “Poverty is the worst form of violence.” – Mahatma Gandhi

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