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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up

2 Essential Question: Can an arithmetic sequence be decreasing?

3 Essential Question: Can an arithmetic sequence be decreasing?
What does decreasing mean? What does increasing mean?


5 The Food-Mart grocery store has a candy machine line the one pictured here. Each time a child inserts a quarter, 7 candies come out of the machine. The machine holds 15 pounds of candy. Each pound of candy contains about 180 individual candies.

6 The Food-Mart grocery store has a candy machine line the one pictured here. Each time a child inserts a quarter, 7 candies come out of the machine. The machine holds 15 pounds of candy. Each pound of candy contains about 180 individual candies.


8 Exit Ticket Are the following sequences arithmetic? Explain you answer. 1. 5,12,19,26,33… 2. 14,9,4,-1,-6,-11… 3. 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160…





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