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Chapter 21 Control of Respiratory

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1 Chapter 21 Control of Respiratory

2 Lung Functions Gas exchange Moves O2 into blood Removes CO2 from blood
Barrier immunity Regulates vasoconstricting substances Bradykinin Angiotensin II Heparin

3 Respiratory System Structures

4 Conducting Airways Move air into the lungs Warm and humidify air
Trap inhaled particles

5 Respiratory Airways Bronchioles Alveoli
Gas is exchanged with the blood.

6 Structure of Airway Walls

7 Respiratory Airways (cont.)

8 Question Which serous membrane lines the thoracic cavity?
Viscera pleura Parietal pleura Visceral mediastinum Parietal mediastinum

9 Answer B. Parietal pleura
Rationale: The organs and walls of the thoracic and abdominal cavities are covered with serous membranes. Visceral membranes cover the organ; parietal membranes line the cavity walls. The two membranes and the space between them allow for ease of movement. The thoracic cavity is lined by parietal pleura; the lungs are covered by visceral pleura.

10 Respiratory Muscles Diaphragm Accessory muscles of inhalation
External intercostals Scalene Sternocleidomastoid Accessory muscles of exhalation Internal intercostals Abdominal muscles

11 Question True or false? During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and flattens.

12 Answer True Rationale: The diaphragm is the main muscle of inhalation/inspiration. During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts and flattens (it moves downward in order to accommodate the volume of air you are taking in, allowing space for the lungs to expand). During exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and moves back up.

13 Compliance How easily lungs can be inflated depends on
Elastin and collagen fibers Water content Surface tension

14 Scenario A man’s lungs were damaged during a fire, and he developed severe respiratory distress. The doctor said smoke inhalation had caused an inflammation of his alveoli and destroyed some of his surfactant. Questions: What happened to his lung compliance? Why was he given positive-pressure ventilation?

15 Lung Volumes Tidal volume (TV) Inspiratory reserve volume (IRV)
Expiratory reserve volume (ERV) Residual volume (RV)

16 Lung Capacities Vital capacity Inspiratory capacity
Functional residual capacity Total lung capacity

17 Dynamic Lung Function Maximum voluntary ventilation
Forced vital capacity (FVC) Forced expiratory volume (FEV) FEV1.0 Minute volume

18 Question Which measure of lung function indicates the total amount of air that the lungs can hold? Tidal volume Functional residual capacity Vital capacity Total lung capacity

19 Answer D. Total lung capacity
Ratioanale: Total lung capacity (TLC) is the maximum amount of air that the lungs can hold—everything (volume-wise) at the end of a maximal inhalation (the deepest breath one can possibly take). Normal TLC is approximately 6 L.

20 Gas Exchange Oxygen moves from alveolar air into blood.
Carbon dioxide moves from blood into alveolar air.

21 Ventilation and Perfusion
Scenario: An inhaled peanut blocks a left primary bronchus. Questions: How will the ventilation in the two lungs change? How will the composition of the air in the two lungs differ? Which lung should receive more blood? How should the body alter perfusion of the lungs?

22 Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatching
Blood goes to parts of the lung that do not have oxygen to give it. Blood does not go to parts of the lung that have oxygen.

23 Ventilation-Perfusion Mismatching (cont.)

24 Question True or false? Ventilation-perfusion mismatch results in hypoxia.

25 Answer True Rationale: In either case (ventilation without perfusion or perfusion without ventilation), oxygen is not picked up by the capillaries and delivered to the tissues. The result of decreased oxygen at the tissue level is termed hypoxia.

26 Blood Gases—Oxygen Dissolved oxygen = PaO2 or PO2
Normal value greater than 80 mm Hg Oxygen bound to hemoglobin = oxyhemoglobin Normal value 95% to 97% saturation

27 Hemoglobin Holds Four Oxygen Molecules
How saturated is this molecule of hemoglobin? How could a person have a hemoglobin saturation of 95%?

28 Oxygen Capacity Amount of oxygen the blood can hold.
What is the oxygen capacity of normal blood? What is the oxygen capacity of anemic blood?

29 Oxygen Capacity (cont.)

30 Oxygen Release If the blood released half of its oxygen to the tissues: How much oxygen would the normal tissues receive? How much would the anemic person's tissues receive?

31 Oxygen Release (cont.) Most body tissues have a PO2 of 40 to 60 mm Hg.
How much oxygen does the normal blood release at a PO2 of 40 mm Hg? The anemic blood?

32 Blood Gases—Carbon Dioxide
Dissolved carbon dioxide = PaCO2 or PCO2 Normal value 35 to 45 mm Hg Carbon dioxide bound to hemoglobin = carbaminohemoglobin Carbonic acid  bicarbonate ion and H+ When you exhale, you remove CO2 from your blood and also decrease the amount of carbonic acid, raising your blood pH.

33 Question True or false? The relationship between PCO2 and pH is direct.

34 Answer False Rationale: The relationship is indirect. As PCO2 levels rise, the amount of carbonic acid in the blood increases, making the pH more acidic (decreasing it).

35 Respiratory Center Control

36 Chemoreceptors Can Adjust Respiration Rate
Central chemoreceptors Measure PCO2 and pH in cerebrospinal fluid Increase respiration when PCO2 increases or pH decreases Peripheral chemoreceptors Measure PO2 in arterial blood Increase respiration when PO2 less than 60 mm Hg

37 Scenario You are caring for a COPD client.
He has chronically high PCO2. He is being given low-flow oxygen and complains all the time that he “needs more air,” so you turn up his oxygen. Question: When you check on him later, he is unconscious and not breathing. What happened?

38 Chapter 22 Respiratory Tract Infections,
Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders

39 Upper Respiratory Viruses in Adults
Common cold Rhinosinusitis Influenza

40 The Common Cold Rhinoviruses
Occur in early fall and late spring in persons between ages 5 and 40 Parainfluenza viruses Occur in children younger than 3 Respiratory syncytial virus Occur in winter and spring in children younger than 3 Coronaviruses and adenoviruses Occur in winter and spring

41 Rhinosinusitis (Sinusitis)
Infection or allergy obstructs sinus drainage Acute: facial pain, headache, purulent nasal discharge, decreased sense of smell, fever Chronic: nasal obstruction, fullness in the ears, postnasal drip, hoarseness, chronic cough, loss of taste and smell, unpleasant breath, headache

42 Influenza In the United States, approximately 36,000 persons die each year of influenza-related illness. Transmission is by aerosol (three or more particles) or direct contact. Upper respiratory infection (rhinotracheitis): Like a common cold with profound malaise Viral pneumonia: Fever, tachypnea, tachycardia, cyanosis, hypotension Respiratory viral infection followed by a bacterial infection.

43 Influenza (cont.)

44 Question For which viruses is a 2-year-old most at risk? Rhinoviruses
Parainfluenza viruses Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) All of the above A and B

45 Answer E. A and B Rationale: Slightly older children (≥5 years of age) are at risk for rhinoviral infections. Children under the age of 3 are at risk of infection from both parainfluenza viruses and RSV.

46 Pneumonia—Inflammation of Alveoli and Bronchioles
Typical: bacteria in the alveoli Lobar: affects an entire lobe of the lung Bronchopneumonia: patchy distribution over more than one lobe Atypical Viral and mycoplasma infections of the alveolar septum or interstitium

47 Pneumonia—Inflammation of Alveoli and Bronchioles (cont.)

48 Tuberculosis World’s foremost cause of death from a single infectious agent Causes 26% of avoidable deaths in developing countries Drug-resistant forms Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis Aerobic Protective waxy capsule Can stay alive in “suspended animation” for years

49 Initial TB Infection Macrophages begin a cell-mediated immune response
Takes 3 to 6 weeks to develop positive TB test Results in a granulomatous lesion or Ghon focus containing Macrophages T cells Inactive TB bacteria

50 Ghon Complex Nodules in lung tissue and lymph nodes.
Caseous necrosis inside nodules. Calcium may deposit in the fatty area of necrosis. Visible on x-rays.

51 Discussion Someone in your class has a positive TB test. Question:
What does this mean? Are you at risk of infection?

52 Primary TB Primary TB Usually If immune response is isolated in
inadequate, bacteria Ghon foci multiply in the lungs Bacteria Not Progressive primary TB are contagious inactive

53 Miliary TB Progressive Primary TB Bacteria may Signs of Bacteria in
Miliary TB lesions look like grains of millet in the tissues. Meat inspection was introduced to keep them out of the food supply. Pasteurization of milk was introduced to keep TB out of the milk supply. Progressive Primary TB Bacteria may Signs of Bacteria in erode blood pneumonia sputum and vessels and exhaled spread through droplets the body MILIARY TB

54 Secondary TB Reinfection from inhaled droplet nuclei
Reactivation of a previously healed primary lesion Immediate cell-mediated response walls off infection in airways Bacteria damage tissues in the airways, creating cavities Signs of chronic pneumonia: gradual destruction of lung tissue “Consumption”: eventually fatal if untreated

55 Question Which type of TB may be reactivated if the patient becomes immunocompromised? Primary Latent Miliary Secondary

56 Answer D. Secondary Rationale: Secondary TB, often referred to as reactivation or reinfection TB, may occur if patients are reexposed to TB bacilli (after a primary infection) or if they become immunocompromised (they are unable to contain the infection).

57 Cavitary Tuberculosis

58 Lung Cancer Bronchogenic carcinoma
Arises from epithelial cells lining the lungs Small cell lung cancer Non–small cell lung cancer Large cell carcinoma Squamous cell Adenocarcinoma

59 Adenocarcinoma of the Lung

60 Manifestations of Lung Cancer
Changes in organ function (organ damage, inflammation, and failure) Local effects of tumors (e.g., compression of nerves or veins, gastrointestinal obstruction) Ectopic hormones secreted by tumor cells (paraneoplastic disorders) Nonspecific signs of tissue breakdown (e.g., protein wasting, bone breakdown)

61 Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Lack of surfactant; infants are not strong enough to inflate their alveoli. Protein-rich fluid leaks into the alveoli and further blocks oxygen uptake. Treatment with mechanical ventilation may cause bronchopulmonary dysplasia and chronic respiratory insufficiency.

62 Question True or false? Premature infants are at greater risk of developing respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) than term infants.

63 Answer True Rationale: RDS occurs due to a lack of surfactant in the alveoli (the surfactant is produced by alveolar cells and keeps them inflated). Surfactant is typically produced from week 28 (gestational age) through term (40 to 42 weeks). The more premature the infant/neonate, the greater the likelihood that there will be insufficient surfactant to sustain ventilation.

64 Respiratory Obstruction in Children
Increased airway resistance Extrathoracic airways (upper airways) Prolonged inspiration; inspirational stridor Inspiratory retractions as ribs are moved outward and body wall does not expand with rib cage Intrathoracic airways (lower airways) Prolonged expiration with wheezing Rib cage retractions as ribs are pulled inward, but air does not leave lungs

65 Obstructive Disorders
Upper airway Croup Epiglottitis Lower airway Acute bronchiolitis

66 Question True or false? Epiglottitis causes stridor.

67 Answer True Rationale: Epiglottitis affects the upper airway (inflammation causes the lumen of the upper airway to become more narrow). When the child inspires, it is difficult to pass air through the narrowed airway. This causes noisy inspiration/stridor.

68 Chapter 23 Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange

69 Hypoxemia PO2 greater than 60 mm Hg Cyanosis
Impaired function of vital centers Agitated or combative behavior, euphoria, impaired judgment, convulsions, delirium, stupor, coma Retinal hemorrhage Hypotension and bradycardia Activation of compensatory mechanisms Sympathetic system activation

70 Hypercapnia PCO2 greater than 50 mm Hg Respiratory acidosis
Increased respiration Decreased nerve activity Carbon dioxide narcosis Disorientation, somnolence, coma Decreased muscle contraction Vasodilation Headache; warm flushed skin

71 Question True or false? Both hypercapnia and hypoxemia will lead to respiratory failure if untreated.

72 Answer True Rationale: In both hypercapnia (PCO2 greater than 50 mm Hg), tissues accumulate carbon dioxide; in hypoxemia (PO2 less than 60 mm Hg), less oxygen is delivered to the tissues. In both cases, gas exchange is impaired, and respiratory failure will result unless the conditions are corrected (with oxygen, mechanical ventilation, etc.).

73 Pleura Parietal pleura lines the thoracic wall and superior aspect of the diaphragm. Visceral pleura covers the lung. Pleural cavity or the space between the two layers contains a thin layer of serous fluid.

74 Pleural Effusion—Fluid in the Pleural Cavity
Hydrothorax: serous fluid Empyema: pus Chylothorax: lymph Hemothorax: blood

75 Scenario Mr. K presents himself with a stab wound.
Now he is having breathing problems, and his breath sounds are diminished on the side with the wound. His trachea seems to be slanting toward the other side of his chest, and his heart sounds are displaced away from the wound. He has an increased respiration rate and blood pressure, is pale and sweating with bluish nail beds, and has no bowel sounds. Question Explain the effects of the wound.

76 Pneumothorax Air enters the pleural cavity.
Air takes up space, restricting lung expansion. Partial or complete collapse of the affected lung: Spontaneous: air-filled blister on the lung ruptures Traumatic: air enters through chest injuries Tension: air enters pleural cavity through wound on inhalation, cannot leave on exhalation Open: air enters pleural cavity through the wound on inhalation and leaves on exhalation

77 Pneumothorax (cont.)

78 Question True or false? Open pneumothorax is more life-threatening than tension pneumothorax.

79 Answer False Rationale: In open pneumothorax, inhaled air compresses the affected side’s lung, but during exhalation, the lung reinflates somewhat. In tension pneumothorax, a sort of one-way valve exists— the air enters the affected side during inhalation, but is unable to leave when the patient exhales. Therefore, all of this air exerts increased pressure on the organs of the thoracic cage. Unless the pressure is relieved, tension pneumothorax is fatal.

80 Airway Obstruction in Asthma
Inflammatory mediators  Airway inflammation  Increased mucociliary function  Edema  Epithelial injury   Increased airway responsiveness  Bronchospasm  Airflow limitation

81 Extrinsic (Atopic) Asthma
Type I hypersensitivity Allergen  Mast cells release inflammatory mediators. Cause acute response within 10 to 20 minutes  WBCs enter region and release more inflammatory mediators. Airway inflammation causes late-phase response in 4 to 8 hours.

82 Bronchial Asthma

83 Intrinsic (Nonatopic) Asthma
Respiratory infections Epithelial damage, IgE production Exercise, hyperventilation, cold air Loss of heat and water may cause bronchospasm. Inhaled irritants Inflammation, vagal reflex Aspirin and other NSAIDs Abnormal arachidonic acid metabolism

84 Question Which of the following occurs in asthma? Airway inflammation
Bronchospasm Decreased ability to clear mucous All of the above

85 Answer D. All of the above
Rationale: Inflammatory mediators lead to airway inflammation, edema of the mucous lining of the airways, bronchospasm, and impaired ability to clear secretions. All of these things cause the airways to narrow during an asthma attack.

86 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders
Emphysema Enlargement of air spaces and destruction of lung tissue Chronic obstructive bronchitis Obstruction of small airways Bronchiectasis Infection and inflammation destroy smooth muscle in airways  permanent dilation

87 Mechanisms of Airflow Obstruction

88 Mechanisms of COPD Inflammation and fibrosis of the bronchial wall
Hypertrophied mucous glands  excess mucus Obstructed airflow Loss of alveolar tissue Decreased surface area for gas exchange Loss of elastic lung fibers Airway collapse, obstructed exhalation, air trapping

89 Emphysema Neutrophils in the alveoli secrete trypsin.
Increased neutrophil numbers due to inhaled irritants can damage alveoli. α1-antitrypsin inactivates the trypsin before it can damage the alveoli. A genetic defect in α1-antitrypsin synthesis leads to alveolar damage.

90 Types of Emphysema

91 Chest Wall in Emphysema

92 Chronic Bronchitis Chronic irritation of airways
Increased number of mucous cells Mucus hypersecretion Productive cough

93 Pink Puffers Versus Blue Bloaters
Pink puffers (usually emphysema) Increase respiration to maintain oxygen levels Dyspnea; increased ventilatory effort Use accessory muscles; pursed-lip breathing Blue bloaters (usually bronchitis) Cannot increase respiration enough to maintain oxygen levels Cyanosis and polycythemia Cor pulmonale

94 Question Which chronic obstructive pulmonary disease primarily affects the alveoli? Asthma Emphysema Chronic bronchitis Bronchiectasis

95 Answer B. Emphysema Rationale: In emphysema, alveolar walls are destroyed. The other chronic pulmonary diseases listed primarily affect the airways.

96 COPD and Blood pH Discussion:
In what range will a COPD client's blood pH fall? Why?

97 Consequences of COPD COPD  decreased ability to exhale
 Stale air in the lungs  Low O2 levels  hypoxia  High CO2 levels  hypercapnia Which step will cause the central chemoreceptors to increase respiration? Which will cause the peripheral chemoreceptors to increase respiration?

98 Scenario A patient with chronic bronchitis has a barrel chest and cyanosis. His pulse oximeter reads 86% oxygenation. His PO2 is 54 mm Hg. His PCO2 is 56 mm Hg. He is put on low-flow oxygen but complains of shortness of breath. Somebody turns the O2 flow up. He is found in a coma with a PCO2 of 59 mm Hg and blood pH of 7.2. Questions: What was the cause of the coma? Why?

99 COPD Consequences In a COPD client, exhalation is inefficient and O2 levels in the lungs decrease. If blood goes through the lungs filled with stale air, it will not pick up much oxygen; it might even pick up CO2. Discussion: What will the pulmonary arterioles do? Which side of the heart will be affected? Why?

100 Cystic Fibrosis Recessive disorder in chloride transport proteins
High concentrations of NaCl in the sweat Less Na+ and water in respiratory mucus and in pancreatic secretions Mucus is thicker Obstructs airways Obstructs the pancreatic and biliary ducts

101 Pathogenesis of Cystic Fibrosis

102 Discussion A client with cystic fibrosis is having
Respiratory problems Digestive problems, flatulence, steatorrhea, weight loss Question: He does not understand why a respiratory disease would cause these problems. How would this be explained to the client?

103 Pulmonary Embolism

104 Pulmonary Hypertension
Secondary Elevation of pulmonary venous pressure Increased pulmonary blood flow Pulmonary vascular obstruction Hypoxemia Primary Blood vessel walls thicken and constrict

105 Pulmonary Arteries

106 Cor Pulmonale Right-sided heart failure secondary to lung disease or pulmonary hypertension Decreased lung ventilation Pulmonary vasoconstriction Increased workload on the right heart Decreased oxygenation Kidney releases erythropoietin  more RBCs made  polycythemia makes blood more viscous Increased workload on the heart

107 Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Exudate enters the alveoli Blocks gas exchange Makes inhalation more difficult Neutrophils enter the alveoli Release inflammatory mediators, proteolytic enzymes, reactive oxygen species

108 Mechanisms of Lung Changes in ARDS

109 Question True or false? Patients suffering from ARDS will be not necessarily be hypoxemic.

110 Answer False Rationale: In ARDS, the alveoli is filled with exudate, decreasing the available surface area for gas exchange. If gas exchange decreases, poorly oxygenated or unoxygenated blood is sent to the tissues (hypoxemia).

111 Causes of Respiratory Failure
Hypoventilation  hypercapnia, hypoxia Depression of the respiratory center Diseases of respiratory nerves or muscles Ventilation/perfusion mismatching Impaired diffusion  hypoxemia but not hypercapnia Interstitial lung disease ALI/ARDS Pulmonary edema Pneumonia

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