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What A Service Mark 1:21-28 2/18/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "What A Service Mark 1:21-28 2/18/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 What A Service Mark 1:21-28 2/18/2018

2 Special Visitor If Jesus were to personally walk into every church this morning what would it be like? Would we have feelings of awesome peace, tenderness and love? Let’s look what happen First Synagogue of Capernaum.

3 People Were Amazed He preached the Truth
He did not quote traditions or opinions He was backed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit If the gospel did not come with power the skeptics would have destroyed it by now.

4 Devil Goes To Church? He disturbed the powers of darkness.
They could not tolerate his presence or his truth. This man was in bondage. He needed deliverance.

5 Do We Disturb The Powers Of Darkness?
Paul did Acts 16:16-18; 19:11-20 If we get enough Jesus in us, we’ll disturb the powers of darkness.

6 Let’s Us Alone Common rebuff of today’s society
If we are sick do we really want the doctor to leave us alone? Being left alone only results in worse judgment.

7 What Have We to Do With You?
“You do religion your way and I’ll do it my way.” Dr Michael Green

8 Holy One Of God An outward agreement
James 2:19 the devils/demons believe and tremble Not enough to believe Jesus in our minds, we must obey Him or our faith will be in vain.

9 Chicken Lady Know who we are in Christ. Not be intimidated.

10 Amazement People were amazed
Twelve times, in the gospels, people were “amazed” by Jesus One thing is certain about Jesus; you will be affected on way or another, you will never be neutral. You will love Him or hate Him. There is an awful possibility of be astonished, but not convinced; being persuaded , but not saved.

11 Overcoming Evil Meter Reader’s solution
Let’s park on the Devil’s chain, by being spiritually prepared to make a difference for Christ.

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