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Declaration of Independence

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1 Declaration of Independence

2 Warm Up Questions What is the Declaration of Independence based on?
Explain what a Declaration of Independence says. If you were to write a Declaration of Independence, what would you include? How do you think this document was viewed King George and Parliament?

3 A Time of Decision June 7, 1776 Richard Henry Lee, Virginia, called for “free and independent states” “all political connection between them and the state of Great Britain is…totally dissolved” Appointed a committee to draft a Declaration Ben Franklin, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson Jefferson selected to write the Declaration Big, important, job

4 Why Jefferson?? Excellent writer From Virginia
What did he write before? From Virginia Why is this important? Took him two, painstaking weeks to write the Declaration Had help from John Adams and Ben Franklin Adams helped with the technical terms, Franklin helped with the embellishment Submitted two drafts to the Congress Both were criticized

5 Independence House

6 Assembly Room

7 Independence Hall

8 July 4, 1776 Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence
John Hancock, the president of the Congress, was first to sign Look at his signature What is unique about it? Wrote in large letters because he wanted King George to see it “There, I guess King George will be able to read that!”

9 Declaration of Independence
Core idea is based on John Locke’s philosophies Man is born with natural rights: unalienable the government can not take away If the government disregards these rights--it loses its right to govern People than can overthrow, and abolish that government Declaration listed reasons for separating from Britain Basically it lists how the colonists felt Britain harmed them

10 Problems? What problems does this document contain? Treason
If the war was lost, these men could be, and probably would be, hung They risked their lives to write this document All men are created equal: Of the people by the people, for the people… Only meant free, white, rich, landowning, MEN Gave false hope to women and slaves Both groups left out of the Declaration

11 Let’s Look at the Declaration of Independence

12 Group Activity You will be given a copy of the Declaration of Independence Each group will have a section to read over, and become familiar with You will present you section to the class You may use p in your textbooks as a guide to help you present your sections

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