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Declaration of Independence. Why did this come up? no taxation without representation! Thomas Paine’s Common Sense – break away from Great Britain because.

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Presentation on theme: "Declaration of Independence. Why did this come up? no taxation without representation! Thomas Paine’s Common Sense – break away from Great Britain because."— Presentation transcript:

1 Declaration of Independence

2 Why did this come up? no taxation without representation! Thomas Paine’s Common Sense – break away from Great Britain because they will not compromise or work with the colonies John Locke & the Rights of Man: Life, liberty, property

3 Who Wrote It? Thomas Jefferson Thomas Paine? (hand print on back)  not allowed to come, too radical Committee of 5 men /watch?v=U0_3KzuYuh0

4 Why was it written? to become independent from England

5 The Declaration is adopted… July 4, 1776

6 Core Idea people have rights that the govt. cannot take away and if they do… the people have the right to abolish unjust govt.

7 If govt. ignores this idea… it loses its right to govern

8 Who were the “people” described in the Declaration? FWM – Free White Males

9 Women were viewed… weaker and less intelligent (had no place in politics) Chattel (property) Not citizens

10 Slaves… made up 20% of population; they are not mentioned in Dec.

11 Why did they list reasons for breaking away? was a VERY SERIOUS step; they needed to write the Dec. in order to justify why they were breaking away


13 1. Which individual wrote Common Sense – describing to people that government loses its right to govern if they are not representing the people? A. John Adams B. Thomas Paine C. Thomas Jefferson D. Ben Franklin

14 2. Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence? A. John Adams B. Thomas Paine C. Thomas Jefferson D. Ben Franklin

15 3. When was the Declaration of Independence officially adopted? A. July 2, 1776 B. July 4, 1776 C. May 3, 1781 D. May 4, 1787

16 4. What is the core idea of the Declaration of Independence? A. To break away from Britain B. People have natural rights C. A victory proclamation during the Revolutionary War D. To create laws for the newly formed states

17 5. T/F All white men were part of the “men” discussed in the Declaration of Independence.

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