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Usability Testing and Analytics Insights

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Presentation on theme: "Usability Testing and Analytics Insights"— Presentation transcript:

1 Usability Testing and Analytics Insights
Ed Reese and Tine Reese

2 What is it?

3 Why businesses don’t test
Too much $$$ Too much time Failure to understand the value Source: Steve Krug

4 Fact or myth? I don’t need to test. I am the user.


6 We are not our users We don’t appreciate how diverse they are
Use is idiosyncratic: Person Environment Context We know too much!

7 Remember,… they don’t know what we know.
Actual User Us

8 What Can I Test? Napkin Sketch Prototype Developed Interface

9 A thing is usable if... A person of average—or even below average—ability and experience (i.e., most people) Can figure out how to use the thing for its intended purpose Without it being more trouble than it’s worth. Source: Steve Krug

10 Dana Chisnell, co-author of Handbook of Usability Testing
“80% of the value of testing comes from the magic of observing and listening as people use a design. The things you see and the things you hear are often surprising, illuminating, and unpredictable. This unpredictability is tough to capture in any other way.” Dana Chisnell, co-author of Handbook of Usability Testing

11 DIY Usability Testing Start small: focus on one important thing
3–5 Users In person or remote Record video and audio Identify the biggest problems Fix problems

12 What to test? “Focus ruthlessly on a small number of the most important problems.” Look at Analytics Talk to customer service Something your team is arguing about

13 Show users. Ask questions. Free (Tests up to 2 min, self recruited)

14 (Not your friends and family)
Find Users (Not your friends and family) Make recruiting easier by keeping the standard very low.

15 Recruit Participants Website survey ( Email list
Social networks Craigslist Go where your users are Or pay a service to quickly access study participants. Incentives make it easier!

16 Screeners Find representative users Meet criteria Represent diversity
Tools: Google Forms Include a Mix Include a Mix Must say “no” Must say “yes”

17 What do you want them to do?
Create the task(s) you want participants to complete. Reserve a table at our restaurant.

18 Create Task Scenarios Write a brief description to help users understand what you want them to do: You are meeting friends at Luna Restaurant tonight for dinner. Use the website to make a 7:00pm reservation for four people.

19 Writing Scenarios Make it realistic: what is the user naturally trying to do? Use natural language No jargon Don’t give away clues

20 Instructions and Consent “We are testing the website, not you.”

21 Conducting the Test Goal is unbiased, honest feedback
Remind participants to “think aloud.” You can’t read their minds. Ask questions when they’re confused or frustrated, but do not help. Record Video

22 Remote Testing Listen carefully to users since you can’t see them
Run a pilot test Remote Meeting Software: Zoom GoToMeeting Skype

23 Look for the biggest problems, not the low- hanging fruit.
Observe Problems: Look for the biggest problems, not the low- hanging fruit.

24 What is the smallest change we can make that will solve the problem?
Tweak. Don’t redesign. What is the smallest change we can make that will solve the problem?

25 Test Again The value lies in doing many small tests, making improvements each time.

26 Usability Testing Resources

27 User Testing Examples & Analytics Insights


29 “It just feels kinda icky
“It just feels kinda icky. I can’t quite put my finger on it… It feels like a payday loan site.” User Tester 2 (when asked about original website vibe)


31 Before After Website Redesign by JEB Commerce

32 Lack of trust was the main issue resolved. But how
do you measure trust?




36 We Tested… Brand & Overall Vibe
Could you see yourself wearing Cocksox? How does the imagery & presentation resonate? Ecommerce Functionality Can you find the perfect Cocksox for you? Is order placement easy?

37 We asked users about the photos

38 Cocksox has Underwear Technology

39 User Testing Video Insights
Video 1 “I think you need some average Joe’s Video 2 “This is an ecommerce deal breaker.” Video 3 “I’m not sure what activewear means.”

40 Cocksox Updated Homepage

41 We asked users about the photos

42 We asked users about the photos

43 What can you test or measure? Just About anything.

44 Analytics Insights Perform Baseline Reporting Before Testing
Identify pages important to measure Establish consistent goals & KPI’s Look for Changes before & after Implementation Navigational Changes Bounce Rate Goal Conversions

45 We asked users about the photos

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