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1 Japan!

2 JAPAN FACTS POPULATION: Japan 127,430,000 (#10)
California 39,500,000 *(#35) *Over 3 times the population of California! AREA: 145,925 sq mi (Approx. same size as California) LANGUAGE: Japanese GOVERNMENT: Constitutional Monarchy GDP (2016): 4.9 Trillion 18.57 Trillion USA

3 Ryokan  (旅館) A traditional Japanese inn that originated in the Edo period (1603–1868). Typically feature tatami-matted rooms, traditional Japanese meals, an onsen and public areas where visitors may wear yukata.

4 Onsen  (温泉)  Literally means hot springs, but generally used to describe the bathing facilities and inns around the hot springs. Because Japan is geologically active, thousands exist around the country. Either located outside or have water piped into an indoor pool. Traditionally were mixed gender and nude; today they are either separated or covered and mixed.

5 Very popular among Japanese. Generally located in more rural areas
Very popular among Japanese. Generally located in more rural areas. Once used for public bathing, now seen as a good place to go and relax hectic city life.

6 Japanese often talk of the virtues of "naked communion" for breaking down barriers and getting to know people in a relaxed atmosphere.

7 Even monkeys like an onsen.
Japanese macaques are native to Japan, also known as the snow monkey or Nihonzaru (日本 猿 ) or just saru.

8 Many traditions direct the onsen experience.
Guests are expected to bathe before entering. Swimsuits are prohibited. Guests are provided with a small towel to use as a wash cloth or to cover themselves. Guests with tattoos are banned in most onsen (not all). Today, more theme-park type onsen have been developed which do not follow these traditional rules.

9 Most Japanese are impeccably dressed, work long hours and may spend up to 4 hours a day commuting.

10 Tokyo Subway System The world’s largest subway system
Includes 14 lines and 282 stations Has around 8 million passengers daily


12 Tokyo! Located on the eastern side of Honshu, the main island of Japan
The Greater Tokyo Area is the most populous metropolitan area in the world with million people. The central area of Tokyo is made up of 23 special wards (like little independent cities) and makes up 8 million people Tokyo!

13 Originally called Edo, the city first rose to importance when the Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu made it his base of operations in 1590

14 Classical and Medieval Japan: Emperors and Shoguns competed for power as the capital shifted to new cities Nara Heian-Kyoto Kamakura Osaka Edo-Tokyo

15 From Edo, the Tokugawa took over all of Japan and Edo grew into the largest city in the world by the late 1700’s

16 In 1868, reforms restored the emperor and the capital was moved from Kyoto to Edo which was renamed Tokyo

17 The Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923 leveled much of the city and killed 140,000

18 Massive American bombing in World War II destroyed much of Tokyo

19 By the 1980’s, Tokyo, along with London and New York, became the world’s finance command centers
47 of the largest Global 500 companies are based in Tokyo, more than any other city in the world

20 Harajuku is a popular youth gathering spot in Shibuya

21 Harajuku girls “Harajuku kids” dress is elaborate costumes for fun and to rebel against the traditionally restrictive Japanese culture.

22 Kyoto was the capital of Japan for a 1000 years and the best temples in Japan can be seen in this city today

23 Religion The two major religions in Japan are Shintoism and Buddhism
Shintoism is the worship and respect of nature gods and ancestors called “kami”. It is as old as Japan, but does not have a scripture, one god, etc. Humans are considered fundamentally good and evil is caused by evil spirits Buddhism is the following of the teachings of Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama)

24 Built by the Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu (徳川 家光) in 1626.


26 From Nijo Castle, Iemitsu crucified Christians, expelled all Europeans from Japan and closed the borders of the country, a foreign policy that continued for over 200 years.

27 Deer are considered sacred in Nara and they freely roam the grounds

28 Mt. Fuji is the most significant mountain in Japanese history

29 Anime! Anime is a hand-drawn style of cartoon and comic
It consists of an ideal story-telling mechanism, combining graphic art, characterization, cinematography, and other forms of imaginative techniques Very colorful, fantastical themes, realistic backgrounds Famous studios include: Studio Ghibli, Gainax, and Toei Animation Description

30 Article! Please read the article and answer the questions at the end. I will be collecting these articles as part of your grade, so be sure to highlight/underline/star/etc. as you go through the article so I know you’re legitimately reading it.

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