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Do I Have a RIGHT?.

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Presentation on theme: "Do I Have a RIGHT?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do I Have a RIGHT?

2 What is a Right? Lesson Activities

3 What Does it Mean to Have a Right?
How would you explain it to someone? Or think about it this way: How would you know you did NOT have a right? List everything you can think of! Have students brainstorm their ideas on their half sheets. Then, call on individual students to write some of the rights they thought of on the scroll on the interactive white board. Discuss students’ ideas with the class.

4 Different Kinds of Rights
Did your answers fit any of these categories? They can’t stop me from doing this! They can’t treat me this way! They can’t force me to do this!

Think about the rights you came up with. Who are they enforceable against? OTHER PEOPLE? THE GOVERNMENT? PARENTS?

6 Your Constitutional Rights
The Constitution lists rights you have that are enforceable against the government: The Bill of Rights Later Amendments Amendments 1 – 10 Amendments A set of rights added soon after the Constitution was ratified. More rights added to the Constitution over time.


8 Constitutional Amendments
Each amendment has a number. An amendment can list more than one right. There are at least 6 rights in this one! Can you spot them? Amendment #6 Right Right Right VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. Right Right Right

9 Next… Tell students they will be playing a game called “Do I Have a Right?” that will introduce them to some of the rights that are written down in the amendments. What are your constitutional rights? Can you recognize when they’ve been violated? Play the game and find out!

10 You Have Rights Post-Game Activities

11 (Must exit slide show mode to drag numbers)
Have students test their memories from the game! Call on students to come to the board and write the amendment numbers next to each right.

12 (Must exit slide show mode to drag shapes)

13 Check Out the Real Deal Click to see a transcript of all the constitutional amendments (Must be in slide show mode for the link to work.) Find and highlight ones you recognize! Scroll down on the web page to see the Bill of Rights in a recognizable format. A link at the very bottom will take you to Amendments

14 Different Kinds of Rights
Do any of the rights fit these categories? They can’t stop me from doing this! They can’t treat me this way! They can’t force me to do this!

15 Mini-Quiz Test Your Knowledge
Work through the mini-quiz, asking for whole-group responseS from your class. Click to show the answer before advancing each slide. Test Your Knowledge

16  1) The rights in the Constitution are enforceable against…
A. Parents B. The government C. Other people

17 2) The right not to have soldiers living in your home is an example of…
A. They can’t treat me this way! B. They can’t stop me from doing this! C. They can’t force me to do this! D. Something not in the Constitution!

18  3) The right against cruel and unusual punishment is an example of…
A. They can’t treat me this way! B. They can’t stop me from doing this! C. They can’t force me to do this! D. Something not in the Constitution

19  4) The right to have your own car when you turn 16 is an example of…
A. They can’t treat me this way! B. They can’t stop me from doing this! C. They can’t force me to do this! D. Something not in the Constitution!

20  5) The right of everyone over age 18 to vote is an example of…
A. They can’t treat me this way! B. They can’t stop me from doing this! C. They can’t force me to do this! D. Something not in the Constitution!

21 6) The right against a religion established by the government is an example of…
A. They can’t treat me this way! B. They can’t stop me from doing this! C. They can’t force me to do this! D. Something not in the Constitution!

22  7) Constitutional rights are mainly found in…
A. Additions called amendments B. The main parts of the Constitution C. Lists made by early Americans

23  8) The first 10 amendments are called… A. The Later Amendments
B. The Declaration of Independence C. The Bill of Rights

24  9) Which of does the Constitution NOT protect?
A. Freedom of Expression B. Speedy Trial C. Make Loud Noise at Night D. No Unreasonable Searches

25  10) Which of these is NOT the topic of a constitutional right?
A. Weapons B. Voting C. Soldiers D. Chores

26  11) Which of these is NOT okay for the government to do?
A. Put you on trial twice for the same crime B. Stop you from voting if you are 13 years old C. Apply the law to you the same as to everyone else

27  12) To enforce your constitutional rights, you would hire a…
A. Client B. Lawyer C. Judge D. Police officer

28 Answers Activity Answer Keys
Work through the mini-quiz, asking for whole-group responseS from your class. Click to show the answer before advancing each slide. Activity Answer Keys

29 Have students test their memories from the game
Have students test their memories from the game! Call on students to come to the board and write the amendment numbers next to each right.

30 (Must exit slide show mode to drag shapes)
No person shall… be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.

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