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End to End Monitoring Solution using Open Source Technology where webMethods 9.10 is used as ESB IBM Confidential.

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Presentation on theme: "End to End Monitoring Solution using Open Source Technology where webMethods 9.10 is used as ESB IBM Confidential."— Presentation transcript:

1 End to End Monitoring Solution using Open Source Technology where webMethods 9.10 is used as ESB
IBM Confidential

2 End to End Monitoring Solution using Open Source Technology where webMethods 9.10 is used as ESB
The Integration platform will use the ELK stack for logging of integration flow information. ELK is an abbreviation of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. Elasticsearch is the storage component. Logging is the component which transforms and inputs information into the storage (elasticsearch). Kibana is the web based GUI for the logging information. Tools System correspond to applications that use Integration Platform. webMethods is used for ESB and API Gateway from CA is used for B2B integration with outside world. All systems do logging in Elastic Search and Operations team views the logs in Kibana UI using different index for each application. IBM Confidential

3 Components Required webMethods 9.10 for ESB Elasticsearch Kibana Application frameworks which push log into Elasticsearch Alternatively, Logstash can be used with file beast agent, which pull logs from file system

4 webMethods Code which will invoke ELK rest service with json message

5 Invocation of ELK API in interface execution

6 Packages in webMethods with ELK implementation
This package has the definitions of the canonical messages used in the interface to pass a log to ELK This package has the trigger and services which convert log message into json and insert into ELK This package has some utilities which as used by the framework services

7 References Elastic Search installation-configuration steps

8 Thank You IBM Confidential

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