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Avoid Death by Power Point

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Presentation on theme: "Avoid Death by Power Point"— Presentation transcript:

1 Avoid Death by Power Point
Welcome! As you enter please write the subject you teach on the board (add tally if already there) Tell the WHY you are here, WHY it will benefit them. Have an area on the board for faculty to write their subject and a side to brain storm “Don’t do this” Write on the board- 1. More images, less text 2. Assess as you go 3.

2 Make the most of this tool

3 Less text, more images

4 Less text, more images

5 I want this candy no matter what!
I guess I’ll have to wait until I can buy it. It’s wrong to steal!

6 Publisher provided PowerPoint

7 Values Norms Shared beliefs about what is important
Shared rules of conduct

8 Do Don’t

9 Publisher provided PowerPoint

10 Culture exists on 3 levels
Symbolic Behavioral Concrete Our beliefs and values What we do (how we behave) Artifacts, music, food, and artistic works Non-material culture Material culture

11 Culture exists on 3 levels
Symbolic Behavioral Concrete Non-material culture Material culture

12 Right click Format picture

13 Bad Ok Better

14 Select images that ignite a story


16 Asch’s Conformity Experiment
4 4 4 4 16


18 Stanley Milgram Milgram Obedience Studies


20 Stanford Prison Experiment
1973 experiment simulating a prison environment After 6 days researchers had to terminate the study What does this experiment illustrate? 20

21 Select images that promote discussion

22 Culture Shock Disorientation that occurs when entering an unfamiliar culture Use images that jump start stories and discussion

23 Have you had experiences with culture shock?
Images can also jump start stories for students

24 Stop to assess and/or promote deeper thinking

25 Subcultures Culture within larger culture Have own values, customs
Share many values of the larger culture Ex: Youth culture, DJ’s, surfers, doctors

26 Counter cultures Culture of society as a whole subculture Counter culture Holds values that stand in opposition to those of the dominant culture Ex: Swingers, gangs, mafia

27 Freeganism and dumpster diving

28 Quick Write: 1. Do you think Freeganism is a subculture or counter culture? 2. Why? 3. What are their values? 4. What types of norms might they follow?

29 Quick Write 2 minutes What questions or concerns do you have about using Power Point in the classroom? No name on paper Pass up

30 Select a recorder and presenter
In groups of 4-5 Discuss Select a recorder and presenter What are ways we help the environment personally? Ways our school or employers help? Ways the environment is hurt by us, our school, our employers? 10 minutes

31 Religion Schooling Government Friends Media
ONE MINUTE QUICK WRITE: Which of these agents of socialization do you feel has the strongest influence? Why? Religion Schooling Government Friends Media

32 Religion Schooling Government Friends Media
Go to the part of the room matching your choice Take turns sharing why you selected this agent of socialization Talk about why the other choices are not as strong Select 1-2 people from your group to share, you will have 2 minutes to convince me Religion Schooling Government Friends Media

33 Random Team Generator

34 Computer Front of class Team 10 Martinez Dulce Brentner Kelly Quintana Alejandra Vazquez Diana Team 11 Johnson Shanon Gonzalez Alexandra Trias Brandon Umetsu Steven Team 1 Blum Gaye Linares Cristian Kang Chungyeon Aguilar Karina Glavis Kristine Team 4 Griffin Janae Rodriguez Fabian Searles Melanie Doyle Justin Lara Pedro Team 5 Marin Jessica Robinson Kelvin Ancheta Jonathan Escobar Vanessa Cicilia Francisco Team 6 Tsyplakov Andrey Axe Jamie Rios Lady Francois Joseth Segovia Marlon Team 7 Udan Neal Shayne Castillo Corey Kamigawara Yumiry Martin Valorie Park Giho Team 8 Morgan Jenna Shimotani Brennan Solorzano Anthony Bishop Corey Pelkie Adam Team 9 Des Rosiers Karlee Marquez Mayra Cartagena Katherine Calimquim Vanessa Fujimoto Reid Team 2 Noda Kyoko Hurtado Michael Nabor Isabel Rein Joannelyn Rice Matthew Team 3 Jung Yungyeong Rodriguez Patsy Saucedo Mayra Watson Donnail Latham Amber Door

35 What questions do you have?
Questioning What questions do you have? Ask me 2 questions. Any questions?

36 Questioning Which part would you like me to explain more?
Which part is still unclear?

37 + – Plus Minus Index Cards Write down the term you understand best
Explain in your own words Write down term you feel unclear about and questions you have Share your plus and minus with 2-3 classmates

38 3 things you learned 2 things you want to know more about 1 question you have

39 Poll Everywhere

40 Review. Read the statements about media. Which theory would say each?
a. Functionalist b. Conflict Theorist c.Symbolic Interactionist Groups can use the media to exert power over others and serve their own interests. The media has the ability to influence definitions and create negative and false definitions. Media can give people information to help them perform their duties. 3 mins


42 Crime Deviance Breaking the laws of a society Breaking the norms of a society

43 Crime vs. Deviance C B A D 1. Criminal but not deviant
2. Criminal and deviant 3. Deviant but not criminal B A D

44 Extra Credit Quiz 1. Control theory 2. Labeling theory
B D 1. Control theory 2. Labeling theory 3. Deterrence theory 4. Differential Association A F 5. Conflict Theory C

45 Discuss with 1-2 partners
Which if any of these of assessments strategies do you use? Which if any do you think you might try? Why? What are other informal assessments do you use? 6 minutes

46 Note Taking

47 Note Taking Guide Firstly, it provides them with an outline for their notes. This is especially useful for students who tend to fall behind in note taking. It also discourages students from trying to write down every word they see on a slide, because they are able to see which points are most significant. It also allows students to preview the concepts that will be discussed in class. This can be especially helpful for English learners. Lastly, the note taking guides highlight for students which concepts from the assigned reading are most important. During the second week of classes I provide all students with a note taking guide. I inform them that future note taking guides will be posted on the website for them to print if they find them useful. Below are excerpts from note taking guides: Students are also able to customize the note taking guides. Some students print these guides as they are, while some add lines or more writing space. Others remove the spaces and print them out as an outline to use while taking notes in their notebooks.





52 What are the Power Point Don’ts

53 What are the practices to avoid?

54 Live Text Box File Options Customize Ribbon Developer
Go back to slide, hit Developer Add a text box

55 Practices to avoid Dark classrooms Reading off the screen
Instructor glued behind desk All lecture without interaction Depending on the technology

56 Go “live” when you can White board to draw, brainstorm
Tally chart to gather info Website search

57 As you enter, write a stereotype/phrase on the board that you feel others have of a group you belong to (does not have to be a racial or ethnic group) Prepare to discuss.

58 Stereotype A preconceived, simplistic idea about the members of a group Hinder social interactions, lead to false assumptions about others

59 BEFORE CLASS: Have you been outside the U.S.?
As you enter, write the names of any countries you have visited or lived in on the board. Use a tally mark if someone has already written it.

60 What questions do you have?
What ideas do you have to share?

61 Thank you Mediha Din El Camino College

62 Course Website Make images the star Continually reduce text
Promote Active Learning Note Taking Guides Course Website

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