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Sherin Sam Independent Study Project

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1 Sherin Sam Independent Study Project
Abortion Sherin Sam Independent Study Project

2 What is Abortion? An abortion is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy and there are multiple surgical methods to do this as well as other methods. Methods include: Early Non-Surgical (Medical) Abortion, Vacuum Aspiration, Dilation and Evacuation (D&E), Labor Induction, Dilation and Extraction (D&X), Labor Induction and Hysterotomy (similar to a C- Section)

Number of abortions per year: Approximately 42 Million Abortions in the United States: Average Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million Average Number of abortions per day: Approximately 3,700 ( 2008 in the U.S.

4 Controversial Topic Abortion creates so much controversy between people who believe it should be given as a choice or not even talked about. Why? It has to do with moral beliefs, religious beliefs, the way one’s environment is set up, etc.

5 Why some mothers choose Abortion?
Well-timed pregnancies give children a healthier start in life Mothers aren’t prepared financially or emotionally Too young or too old The pregnancy was an accident therefore they can make the choice to fix the mistake The baby isn’t living Pregnancy happened because of rape Wants their kids to have a better life and can’t provide it at that moment Pressured by family members, friends, etc. Have no other choice Etc.

6 Why some mothers choose Abortion?
The next 3 slides will list COMMON reasons why teens believe Abortion should or should not be legal

7 Pro life : Reasons why teens commonly believe abortion should be illegal
People believe Life starts at the moment of conception Abortion is unsafe (Harms A woman Physically and emotionally) It takes innocent lives It violates civil rights of the un-born Damaging to relationships and families Adoption is a better option Fetuses feel pain during the abortion procedure

8 Pro choice: Reasons why teens commonly believe abortion should be legal
Abortion has been declared to be a "fundamental right" guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution By having a Reproductive choice, it empowers women by giving them control over their own bodies. It is believed that Fetuses are incapable of feeling pain during first 12 weeks, when most abortions are performed Access to legal, professionally-performed abortions reduces maternal injury and death caused by unsafe, illegal abortions. Modern abortion procedures are generally safe and do not cause lasting health issues such as cancer and infertility

9 Pro choice: Reasons why teens commonly believe abortion should be legal
Planned parenthood states “Women who receive abortions are less likely to suffer mental health problems than women denied abortions” and that Women who are denied abortions are more likely to become unemployed, to be on public welfare, to be below the poverty line, and to become victims of domestic violence. A baby should not come into the world unwanted and forced to live a life where they won’t receive the type of love they need


ce_10_reasons_why_we_must_support_the_procedure_and_the_choice / not-a-pro-choice

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