doc.: IEEE <doc#>

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#>
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: Layer 2 Routing Preliminary Proposal to Call for Contributions Date Submitted: 10 May, 2014 Source: Seong-Soon Joo, In-Hwan Lee, Hyo-Chan Bang Company: ETRI Address: 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOREA Voice: , FAX: , Re: Abstract: As a preliminary contribution proposal for the IEEE TG10 standards, the layer 2 routing specification is proposed. Purpose: Response to the IEEE TG10 call for contribution Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P <author>, <company>

2 Layer 2 Routing Preliminary Proposal to Call for Contributions
<month year> doc.: IEEE <doc#> Layer 2 Routing Preliminary Proposal to Call for Contributions Seong-Soon Joo*, In-Hwan Lee, Hyo-Chan Bang ETRI <author>, <company>

3 IEEE 802.15.4 Layer 2 Routing Link Network over IEEE 802.15.4
looks like a link to network layer a loss sensitive large wireless network low-energy, resource constrained device reliable, scalable wireless mesh connectivity guaranteeing deterministic end-to-end delay Design consideration optimal utilization of communication resource multiple grade of links maintaining a simple procedure and a light weight protocol

4 IEEE 802.15.4 Link Network Components Topology PHY/MAC link
PAN coordinator : gateway router FFD : router (link network router) RFD : device Topology mesh network mesh link adds on star topology mesh link adds on cluster tree topology full mesh topology PHY/MAC link 40Kbps/100Kbps/250Kbps/500Kbps/1Mbps/27Mbps async/TDMA channel diversity

5 Proposed IEEE 802.15.4 Link Network
virtual link link path link path routing load balanced link path maintaining unbalanced cluster-tree based address assignment address based mesh routing beacon-enabled multi-hop link network formation directional multiple grades mesh connection

6 Virtual Link and Link Path (I)
a link establishes a link between two neighbour devices a virtual link established between two devices multi-hopped apart multi-hop link connection through the routers which perform frame relaying instead of routed forwarding a link path constituted of links and virtual links from a source to a destination device a routed link-path, link network a link network performed in two stages link connection and link network routing

7 Virtual Link and Link Path (II)
PAN coordinator L2R router 3 device 8 L2R router 2 device 1 router 5 device 7 router 1 device 3 router 4 router 6 device 2 device 6 device 4 device 5

8 Virtual Link and Link Path (III)
as an example a link network over DSME MAC a link network that connects two devices by switching the time slots my beacon child 1 child 2 tier 1 coord inner CAP link inner inward shared link inner inward dedicated link my beacon child 1 inner outward shared link parent neighbor tier 2 router outer CAP link outer inward shared link inner inward dedicated link grand parent parent my beacon outer outward shared link outer outward dedicated link neighbor tier 3 router

9 Cluster-Tree based Addressing
MAC address Cluster Identifier Device Locator Gateway router (cluster ID = 0, locator ID = 0) Root Cluster Tree 0 (L0, R0, D0) Cluster1 root (cluster ID = 0, locator ID = i) (cluster ID = 1, locator ID = 0) Cluster2 root (cluster ID = 0, locator ID = j) (cluster ID = 2, locator ID = 0) Cluster3 root (cluster ID = 0, locator ID = k) (cluster ID = 3, locator ID = 0) Cluster Tree 1 (L1, R1, D1) Cluster Tree 2 (L2, R2, D2) Cluster Tree 3 (L3, R3, D3) Cluster4 root Cluster Tree 4 (L4, R4, D4)

10 Mesh Link on Cluster Tree
intra-cluster mesh link inter-cluster mesh link Gateway router Root Cluster Tree 0 (L0, R0, D0) intra-cluster mesh link Cluster1 root Cluster2 root Cluster3 root Cluster Tree 1 (L1, R1, D1) Cluster Tree 2 (L2, R2, D2) Cluster Tree 3 (L3, R3, D3) Cluster4 root Cluster Tree 4 (L4, R4, D4) inter-cluster mesh link

11 Multiple Grades of Mesh Connection
dedicated link transmits a frame received only at the source device of the link shared link may transmit a frame received at the routers on the link-path to the destination device of the link directional link inward/outward bidirectional

12 Cluster-Tree Mesh Routing
cluster connectivity matrix routing table link cost table : load (number of frame, queue length) CAP : cluster based tree routing shared link : cluster based tree + mesh routing dedicated link : routed link path, dedicated link Root Cluster Tree 0 (L0, R0, D0) Cluster Tree 1 (L1, R1, D1) Cluster Tree 3 (L3, R3, D3) Cluster Tree 2 (L2, R2, D2) Cluster Tree 4 (L4, R4, D4) Gateway router Cluster1 root Cluster2 root Cluster3 root Cluster4 root inter-cluster mesh link intra-cluster parent Cluster 0 1 2 3 4 o -

13 Routing route infor route change event route update route select
cluster table maintained by gateway router update between gateway – root router, root router – router route table maintained by root router & router report router  root router route change event router start/join/leave & mesh link setup/release mesh link setup & release : periodically searching or upon router update request mesh routing : inter cluster mesh link (cluster table), intra (route table) route update periodical report cluster table: gateway – root router, root router – router route table: router  root router event driven report route select cost : hop & link frame count

14 Start & Join & Leave address assignment start & join
root router  gateway router cluster formation router  inner router assign from reserved address block start & join start router if root router, association & cluster formation, then start if router, association, then start router join a network association, then start

15 Data Forwarding routing link type selection in/out decision
primitive CLK/SLK/DLK & frame operation type in/out decision cluster connectivity matrix from cluster table link selection (only for CLK/SLK data) shortest cluster-tree route vs. mesh route cluster table vs. route table

16 Summary virtual link link path load balanced link path maintaining
unbalanced cluster-tree based address assignment address based mesh routing directional multiple grades mesh connection beacon-enabled multi-hop link network formation MAC primitives & command frames

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