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The super assistant of brides--- Bridal Secretary.

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1 The super assistant of brides--- Bridal Secretary

2 Motivation One day, our teacher told us about a new job, Bridal Secretary. She is responsible for much trivia during the wedding. However, it had something different from our original thoughts. This is the reason why we want to do this senior project.

3 Research Questions What do the Bridal Secretaries do ? What certificates do Bridal Secretaries need to have? What are the differences between Bridal Secretary and Bridal Planning Company ? How to find Bridal Secretaries ?

4 The super assistant of brides--- Bridal Secretary WHO makes her so beautiful ?

5 The Bridal Secretarys Work Generally speaking, the Bridal Secretary just like an assistant of brides. The bridal Secretarys work can be discussed in two aspects : A. Working procedure B. Working scope

6 A. Working Procedure Before the wedding : A. Discuss with the brides about the makeup and gowns B. Understand the custom and religions of the bride During the wedding : A. Remind the bride when to change gowns and makeup B. Console the bride when she says goodbye to their parents After the wedding : A. Send the pictures taken during the wedding

7 B. Working Scope I Hairstyle The Bridal Secretaries have to design hairstyle based on brides gowns and faces.

8 B. Working Scope II Makeup The Bridal Secretaries have to possess cosmetics skills and make good use of colors well to design the perfect wedding makeup.

9 B. Working Scope III Change gowns Bridal Secretaries have to help the brides change the gowns during the wedding.

10 B. Working Scope IV Choose proper ornaments The Bridal Secretaries need to have the ability to make ornaments go well with the gowns.

11 The certificates a Bridal Secretary needs to have Services that a Secretary offer Certificates Do Facial and Spa Elementary/advanced facial and hairstyle certificates Makeup (during the wedding) Do Hair style Choose OrnamentsX Match the makeup with gowns Elementary/advanced facial and hairstyle certificates Console the bridesX

12 Bridal Secretary V.S Bridal Planning Company Bridal SecretaryBridal Planning Company ClientsBridesBrides & Grooms Certificates Elementary/advance d facial and hairstyle certificates Assistant of Bridal (ABP), Professional Bridal Consultants (PBC), Professional Wedding Vendor (PWV). Credibility among the public Clients depend Association of Bridal Consultants (ABC) Working ScopeMake up / Dress up/ Console Brides Wedding place reservation / Take photos during the wedding / Cocktail party, etc.

13 Bridal Secretary V.S Bridal Planning Company The Tasks For BridesBridal secretary Bridal Planning Company Beautiful Hairstyle & Makeup OO Gowns Change OO Console the brides emotion OX Redo the makeup during the wedding OX Help brides solve problems at once OX W I N

14 How to Find The Bridal Secretary Internet & Website Bridal Secretaries blogs Chat rooms Bloggers Wedding company Ask friends or relatives who employed Bridal Secretaries before

15 Conclusion In the beginning, we have the same thinking as the public, regarding Bridal Secretaries as a not so difficult job. However, after our researches and interviews, we understand how hard and professional the job is. Hope our research can provide the public with more advanced information of this job.

16 Reference I --- /2008/ Tzu-Ping Chou & Wan-Hsing Wang The Journal of International Esthetic Science V7-2-10,June 2010 Pei-Ling Wu NPUST Humanities and Social Science Research vol.3 No.4 December,2009 pp.35~pp.60 Pei-Ling Wu & Hurdy Su The Journal of International Esthetic Science V6-1B- 4,March 2009

17 Reference II 84%9B%E9%BA%97%E7%B5%B2%E5%A4%A2%E9%81%8A% E4%BB%99%E5%A2%83+White+Rabbit&js=1&ni=20&ei=utf- 8&fr=yfp-s&xargs=0&pstart=1&b=401 84%9B%E9%BA%97%E7%B5%B2%E5%A4%A2%E9%81%8A% E4%BB%99%E5%A2%83+White+Rabbit&js=1&ni=20&ei=utf- 8&fr=yfp-s&xargs=0&pstart=1&b=401

18 Thanks For Your attention

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