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A Tour Of Gods Beautiful World With the sweet smell of His colorful flowers.

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2 A Tour Of Gods Beautiful World

3 With the sweet smell of His colorful flowers

4 And The dew on the roses glistens, in His light

5 His beauty shows in the delicate lady slipper

6 The beauty seem to smile at you

7 Butterflys are drawn to the beauty, and adds to it

8 Even Gods animals enjoy a walk in His beauty

9 They also add to the beauty

10 Some are small and hide in the rocks

11 This beautiful scene is from part of our backyard Im so Blessed RFHADLEY.COM

12 Just Down the road

13 A small bridge on a walk path near some small stream

14 Looks like a nice place to cool off I dont know where this was taken but it is beautiful

15 I love driving down dirt country roads, which I live on one but not this narrow

16 Here we see Gods beauty in all colors

17 And more colors RFHADLEY.COM

18 And more beauty

19 Gods colors never ends, just like His love for us

20 Even the leaves after they fell

21 Are of many colors Enjoy Gods blessings for you and look around, and enjoy all He has given you RFHADLEY.COM

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