AP World History.

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Presentation on theme: "AP World History."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP World History

2 The exam: May 12, 2016 3 hours, 5 minutes long
55 minutes: multiple choice (70) 130 minutes: free-response 50 minutes: DBQ (with 10-minute reading) 40 minutes: Change and Continuity Over Time essay (CCOT) 40 minutes: Comparative essay

3 WHAP Periods 1: Technological & Environmental Transformations (to c. 600 BCE)—5% 2: Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies (600 BCE-600 CE)—15% 3: Regional & Transregional Interactions (600 CE-c. 1450)—20% 4: Global Interaction ( )—20% 5: Industrialization & Global Integration ( )—20% 6: Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (1900-present)—20%

4 Unit 1: Key Concepts 1.1: Big Geography and Peopling of the Earth
Paleolithic Era 1.2: The Neolithic Revolution and Early Agricultural Societies Neolithic Revolution Agriculture and pastoralism (beginning) 1.3: Development & Interactions of Early Agricultural, Pastoral and Urban Societies Development of early civilizations (Mesopotamia, Nile River Valley, etc.) Development of states Development & unification of cultures

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