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5.2 Uniting the Colonists.

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1 5.2 Uniting the Colonists

2 Trouble in Massachusetts
Britain occupied Boston (redcoats) Tension in Streets – Boston Massacre (5 colonists shot by redcoats in a fight) Spreading the News: Boston Massacre used as propaganda  boycott against GB grew  GB removed Townshend Act, except on Tea  colonist boycott tea Committees of Correspondence (anti-GB) developed throughout the colonies

3 Cries in Boston British East India Co (BEIC) relied on colonies for $$ (especially tea $$) Parliament passes Tea Act to help BEIC (gave all tea control to BEIC and removed almost all of the tea tax) Colonists still made b/c there is still SOME tax on tea Tea Party: 1773 Boston Sons of Liberty dressed as Native Americans and threw tea overboard BEIC ships *** Very oddly…most colonists still saw themselves as loyal British citizens***

4 Intolerable Acts 1774 Coercive Acts: laws to punish colonists for resisting British authority All colonies must allow soldiers to live in colonial homes Massachusetts: Town meetings banned, closed Boston Harbor until ruined tea paid for COERCIVE ACT BRINGS COLONIES TOGETHER – colonies send food/supplies to Mass. Colonists Quebec Act – gave land/gov’t to Canada in Ohio River Valley (part of colony that Washington fought for and won) Colonists called these acts the Intolerable Acts

5 Assignment Progress Check pg 123 and pg 125 Lesson Review pg 123 # 2-4

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