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The Structure and Function of DNA CHAPTER 10

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Presentation on theme: "The Structure and Function of DNA CHAPTER 10"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Structure and Function of DNA CHAPTER 10
The Hereditary Material: DNA or Protein? DNA and RNA Structure Deoxy- and ribonucleotides Double helical structure of DNA 5' and 3' ends DNA Replication DNA polymerase Semiconservative replication From Gene to Protein Transcription and Translation

2 Facts About Hereditary Material

3 DNA: Structure and Replication
Was known to be a chemical in cells by the end of the nineteenth century. Has the capacity to store genetic information. Can be copied and passed from generation to generation.

4 DNA and RNA are nucleic acids.
DNA and RNA Structure DNA and RNA are nucleic acids. They consist of chemical units called nucleotides. The nucleotides are joined by a sugar-phosphate backbone. Hershey-Chase Experiment Phage T2 Reproductive Cycle DNA and RNA Structure

5 DNA is a Double-Stranded Chain of Nucleotides

6 DNA Chains Are Held Together By Nitrogenous Base H-Bonds

7 Watson and Crick’s Discovery of the Double Helix
James Watson and Francis Crick determined that DNA is a double helix in 1953.

8 DNA Replication When a cell or whole organism reproduces, a complete set of genetic instructions must pass from one generation to the next DNA Replication occurs in S phase of Interphase One DNA double-helix becomes two identical double helices: sister chromatids S G G2 M DNA Replication

9 Each Chromosome “Unzips” as a New Complementary Strand is Synthesized Along Side the Old One
Replication Figure 10.6

10 DNA can be damaged by ultraviolet light.
The enzymes and proteins involved in replication can repair the damage.

11 How Do Chromosomes Carry Information?
A karyotype made from chromosomes of a single cell

12 Central Dogma of Biology: How Shape and Form Are Dictated By DNA Genes
Genotype: The genes carried in a cell for a particular trait A segment of DNA (gene) carries specific coded instructions for the making of a single proteins. Phenotype: The physical expression of genes for a particular trait

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