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Abebe Alebachew 12th December 2012 Nairobi, Kenya

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1 Abebe Alebachew 12th December 2012 Nairobi, Kenya
JANS: introduction, Lessons Learned, and Future Directions from consultation in Hammamet Abebe Alebachew 12th December 2012 Nairobi, Kenya

2 Objectives of JANS Goal: Better health results
Better funding of effective strategy 2. Encourage partners to fund national strategy 1. Improve quality of the health strategy 3. Reduce transaction costs Improving the health strategy – developmental objective, to help ensure the strategy is based on a sound analysis of country conditions and resources, and on the best evidence. ‘Better funding’ meant to include – more predictable funding, better aligned to the national strategy and hopefully more funding. The joint assessment should lead to fewer separate review/appraisal missions with their transaction costs. A smaller box as seen as a lesser objective. If it is an effective and well designed strategy, this should allow more efficient use of the funding, more sustainable programs and stronger health systems, which should lead to better health results. Goal: Better health results

3 JANS principles Build on existing in-country processes
Country-demand driven and country led Build on existing in-country processes Strong independent element in assessment team  Inclusive: civil society and other stakeholders

4 Progress in Meeting JANS Objectives
Used to revise strategy (in all countries) Stakeholders feel involved Strengthened ownership of the strategy by all in-country stakeholders Improve strategy Used in funding submissions, e.g. in DFID documents; in GAVI proposals Limited evidence (yet) of direct impact on domestic or international funding levels Convince funders JANS has transaction costs But may reduce other assessments May encourage alignment (shared reporting etc) No evidence yet that it has reduced transaction costs Reduce transaction costs

5 How can JANS better meet needs of stakeholders?
Hammamet Agreement about JANS Processes: There should be adherence to JANS principles; reduction in separate agency assessments; Ensuring links with sub-national / other sector plans

6 Sector and Sub-sector JANS
The overall agreement was to work towards 'One JANS’ by: Accommodating sub- sector/programme reviews in sector JANS. Team composition. Synchronizing different planning processes of sector and sub-sector strategies. Work with interested countries to do sector JANS that better accommodate programmes

7 Ensuring sustainable support for JANS processes
Short term support: Tap in-country expertise; Foster South- south support. Continued global level support in the short term; IHP+ Core Team as a help desk, More efforts to orient staff on JANS within Agencies Long term: A gradual institutionalisation of JANS within a country's own planning processes and financial provision in their own budgets and within agencies

8 General Recommendations
Continue working on stakeholders' needs; Try to modify requirements, including gradually replacing individual agency appraisals: . Inclusion of a wider group of stakeholders such as private sector and parliamentarians, Developing countries to consider integrating JANS into their planning processes and make provision in their budgets. DPs take institutional decisions to embed JANS within guidelines and decision making processes

9 Thank You Very much

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