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U Mrs. Doyle.

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1 u Mrs. Doyle



4 Student Bullying/ Anti-Harassment Policy
“It is hereby the policy of the Baldwin County Public School System to oppose and prohibit, without qualification, unlawful harassment based on real or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability.” The term harassment as used in this policy means a continuous pattern of intentional behavior. Jamari Terrell Williams Act- Includes cyberbullying and bullying that takes place on or off campus, at a school activity, or on a bus.


6 About Social Media


8 Bystanders … Become Upstanders
Bystanders … Become Upstanders! Bystanders are kids and teens who witness bullying and cyberbullying in action, who stand by and watch, who videotape it and make it viral ... and WHO DO AND SAY NOTHING. Very often they don’t know what to do. They’re afraid of retaliation or fear that their own group will exclude them for helping an outsider.  

9 When you’re a bystander it’s important to know that by doing nothing you are sending a message to the bully that their behavior is acceptable.   It isn’t! And that’s not a message you want to send, nor is it a message you would want someone to send if you were a victim. Yes, it is scary to directly confront a bully and sometimes it can mean taking a big risk.    STAND UP!

10 As An Upstander: What You Can Do
Don't laugh  Don't encourage the bully in any way Stay at a safe distance and help the target get away Don’t become an "audience" for the bully Reach out in friendship Help the victim in any way you can Support the victim in private If you notice someone being isolated from others, invite them to join you Include the victim in some of your activities Tell an adult There is strength in numbers. FMS has more caring kids than bullies! If you are NOT part of the solution, you ARE part of the problem!  

Students need to learn valuable coping skills in handling bullying. Verbal bullying such as name calling needs to be handled by the student first before reporting it to an adult. In other words, students need to try several strategies themselves to stop verbal bullying. These 5 strategies can be remembered as the 'High 5.' 1. Ignore it. Don't look at the person. Change the subject. 2. Talk friendly or ask nicely for the person to stop. Be calm. 3. Walk away. Remove yourself from the person/situation. 4. Talk firmly and tell the person to STOP! Let the person know that you will report it if he/she does not STOP! 5. If strategies 1-4 do not work, Report it to an adult. Verbal threats of violence need to be reported immediately to an adult.

12 Reporting Bullying At FMS
Verbally- Tell a Teacher When It Happens Report Bullying Confidentially on School Website:           Remember that we need the first and last name of the person who is being bullied/hurt in order to investigate and help.   Complete Student Bullying and Harassment Complaint Form Located in Counselor’s Office

13 One of My Favorite Quotes


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