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Science ReQUIZion Test 1

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1 Science ReQUIZion Test 1
Topics: Microscopes, plant and animal cells. 5 When you look down a microscope, what is the area that you see called? 6 Name one part you could find in a plant cell but not an animal cell. 7 What process happens in a mitochondrion? 8 What is the function of ribosomes? 9 Which cell structure controls what enters and leaves the cell? What are gametes? 1 What does a microscope do? 2 What part of a microscope do you look through? 3 A microscope has a ×5 eyepiece lens and a ×5 objective lens. What is the total magnification? 4 A human hair has a width of 100 µm but appears 20 mm wide in a photo. What magnification is the photo?

2 Science ReQUIZion Test 2
Topics: Enzymes and Osmosis 1 In which system of the body is food broken down? 2 Why do we need to break food down? 3 In which organ of the body is digested food absorbed? 4 What are the subunits (small molecules) that make up carbohydrates? 5 Which two kinds of subunits form lipids (fats and oils)? 6 What is the substrate for amylase? 7 What is the name of the part of an enzyme into which the substrate fits? 8 Which term describes an enzyme in which the active site has permanently changed shape? 9 Give two examples of changes in the cell environment that could cause the active site to change shape. 10 Carbon dioxide is produced inside a cell and moves out of the cell by diffusion. What does this mean? 11 Name one gas that a cell needs to take in from its surroundings, and explain your answer.

3 Science ReQUIZion Test 3
Topics: Cell division, growth & stem cells 6 In which stage of the cell cycle, at the end of mitosis, does the one cell divide into two? 7 What term describes a cell that has two sets of chromosomes? 8 Define the term ‘growth’. 9 Where are plant meristems found? 10 What type of cell is found in meristems? 11 A root hair cell is a specialised cell. What is its function? 1 What is a prokaryotic cell? 2 What is a eukaryotic cell? 3 Which of the following is the smallest unit: picometre, micrometre, millimetre, nanometre? 4 What type of cell division forms two identical daughter cells? 5 In which stage of the cell cycle are the chromosomes duplicated?

4 Science ReQUIZion Test 4
Topics: The Nervous System, Fertilisation and DNA 7 How many chromosomes are there in a human body cell nucleus? 8 What happens in fertilisation? 9 What is the name of the cell formed in fertilisation? 10 What would happen to the number of chromosomes in a zygote if two body cells were used in fertilisation? 11 The DNA strand in a chromosome contains sections that contain instructions for characteristics. What are these sections called? 12 What shape is DNA? 13 What is a chromosome made out of? 1 What type of cells detect stimuli? 2 In which sense organ would you find receptor cells that detect sound waves? 3 What are the electrical signals used in the nervous system called? 4 What are the two long ‘arms’ of a sensory neurone called? 5 What is the name of the fatty sheath that can surround dendrons and axons? 6 List, in order, the parts of a sensory neurone that an impulse goes through.

5 Science ReQUIZion Test 5
Topics: DNA, Inheritance & Variation 1. What are the letters of the bases that form the DNA code? 2. What is one phosphate group, one sugar and one base called? 3. Why do people have naturally different colours of hair? 4. What are different versions of the same gene called? 5. What sort of variation do alleles cause in organisms? 6. If a dominant allele has the letter A, how would you show that an organism is heterozygous? 7. What word describes an allele that only has an effect if an organism has two copies? 8. Why do different pieces of DNA produce different proteins? 9. What is the phenotype of an organism? 10. What is the genotype of an organism?

6 Science ReQUIZion Test 6
Topics: Mixtures & Separating Techniques 6 What is the term used for the liquid in a solution? 7 What separation method could you use to separate water from ink? 8 Name the two state changes involved in distillation. 9 Why does sand sink to the bottom of a bucket of water? 10 What gas with a sharp smell is used to kill bacteria in swimming pool water? 1 What is a mixture? 2 What do we call the change of state from a liquid to a gas? 3 Name a mixture that could be separated by filtration? 4 How can you get salt from salty water? 5 What is the scientific name for a mixture like salty water?

7 Science ReQUIZion Test 7
Topics: Atoms and Isoptopes 6. Why are most atoms neutral? 7. What is the fundamental difference between atoms of different elements? 8. How many protons, neutrons and electrons are in an atom that has an atomic number of 13 and a mass number of 27? 9. What are isotopes? 10. What type of atom is used as the standard for comparing masses and working out relative atomic masses of elements? 1. What is the difference between an atom and a molecule? 2. What are the names of the three main subatomic particles? 3. How are electrons arranged in an atom? 4. What is the nucleus of an atom? 5. How many neutrons are there in an atom with an atomic number of 26 and a mass number of 56?

8 6 What property did Mendeleev use to order the elements?
7 Which group of elements is stable and doesn’t form compounds easily? 8 How are the 12 electrons arranged in an atom of magnesium? 9 What is an ion? 10 What happens when an ionic bond is formed? Science ReQUIZion Test 8 Topics: Periodic Table. 1 What is a vertical column in the periodic table called? 2 What is a horizontal row in the periodic table called? 3 What do we use to compare the masses of atoms of different elements? 4 Where are electrons found in an atom? 5 Where are the non-metals placed in the modern periodic table?

9 Science ReQUIZion Test 9
Topics: Ionic Bonding 7. What are the forces called that hold ions together? 8. Why do atoms form ions? 9. Explain why group 1 elements like sodium and lithium form a 1+ ion. 10. What structure of regularly repeating ions do ionic compounds form? 11. What is the charge on the ions of elements in group 6 of the periodic table? 12. Why do lattice structures usually have high melting points? 1. How is an element’s electron arrangement linked to its position in the periodic table? 2. How do positive and negative charges affect each other? 3. What is an ion? 4. What happens when an ionic bond is formed? 5. What kinds of elements are usually involved in the formation of ionic bonds? 6. How is a negative ion formed and what is it called?

10 Science ReQUIZion Test 10
7. What type of structure does water have? 8. Which element can exist as diamond, graphite and fullerenes? 9. What type of structure do diamond and graphite have? 10. What property of graphite enables it to be used in making electrodes? 11. What is a typical property of a metal? 12. Why does sodium chloride conduct electricity when molten but not when solid? 13. Why does sodium metal conduct electricity? Science ReQUIZion Test 10 Topics: Covalent Bonds and Metals 1. What are molecules? 2. What kinds of elements usually form molecules? 3. What kinds of bonds are found in molecules? 4. In oxygen and carbon dioxide, the atoms share two pairs of electrons. How do we describe these bonds? 5. What are polymers? 6. Why might simple molecules, such as methane, have low melting points?

11 Science ReQUIZion Test 11
Topics: Vectors and Scalars, Distance/Time graphs 1. What two measurements are needed to calculate a speed? 2. What is the unit for speed used on the roads in the UK? 3. What is the SI unit for speed? 4. How do we represent forces on diagrams? 5. What does a vector have that a scalar does not? 6. What is acceleration? 7. How fast is your walking speed? 8. What is average speed? 9. What is the equation for calculating distance? 10. How is a constant speed shown on a distance/time graph? 11. What does a horizontal line on a distance/time graph show? 12. How do you work out the gradient of a line on a graph?

12 Science ReQUIZion Test 12
Topics: Acceleration, V/T Graphs & Resultant forces 7. What is the equation for calculating acceleration? 8. What is the acceleration due to gravity? 9. What is the maximum horizontal acceleration students are likely to experience in everyday life? 10. What are balanced forces? 11. What do we call the forwards force produced by an aeroplane's engine or propeller? 12. What is the name for a single force on an object with the same effect as all the forces combined? 13. Two forces on an object are in opposite directions. How do we calculate the resultant force? 1. What is the difference between speed and velocity? 2. What is the equation for calculating velocity? 3. What does acceleration mean? 4. What are the units for acceleration? 5. In the acceleration equation, what does u stand for? 6. In the acceleration equation, what does v stand for?

13 Science ReQUIZion Test 13
Topics: Newton’s Laws (1, 2 and 3) 7. When will a resultant force act to slow a car down? 8. How can friction act to make a car speed up? 9. Name two factors that affect the acceleration of an object. 10. What is the equation linking force, mass and acceleration? 11. An object is moving at a constant velocity. What can you say about the forces on it? 12. What force stops your foot slipping on the ground when you walk? 13. What do you feel if you stretch a spring more and more? 14. What is inertial mass? 1. What are unbalanced forces? 2. What is the direction of the resultant force on a car that is speeding up? 3. How does a sideways resultant force affect the velocity of a moving object? 4. How can the pilot of an aeroplane make the plane gain speed upwards? 5. What are the forces on a moon orbiting around a planet? 6. In which direction does centripetal force act?

14 Science ReQUIZion Test 14
Topics: Momentum, Stopping Distances & Crash Hazards 6. How does the mass of a moving object affect its acceleration? 7. What does braking distance mean? 8. What does thinking distance mean? 9. How does speed affect the thinking distance? 10. How does speed affect the braking distance? 11. How does the force needed for an acceleration depend on the size of the acceleration? 1. What does 'conservation' mean in phrases such as ‘conservation of energy’? 2. What happens when there is a resultant force in the opposite direction to the movement of an object? 3. What type of force is used to slow down a moving vehicle? 4. Where is this force applied? 5. Why is a wet road more slippery than a dry one?

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