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Types Of Sentences.

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Presentation on theme: "Types Of Sentences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types Of Sentences

2 1) Declarative *Declarative sentences make a statement.
*They always end with a period.

3 Examples: Funny stories are popular everywhere.
People from all cultures enjoy humor.

4 *always ends with a question mark
2) Interrogative ? ? ? ? *Asks a question *always ends with a question mark ? ? ? ?

5 Which one is your favorite?
Examples: Do you know any jokes? Which one is your favorite?

6 3) Imperative *Tells or asks someone to do something
*usually ends with a period but may end with an exclamation point

7 Examples: Listen carefully. Stop interrupting me!

8 *always ends with an exclamation point.
4) Exclamatory *Shows strong feeling *always ends with an exclamation point. ! ! ! ! !

9 Examples: I can’t believe it! What a piece of work!

10 What kind of sentences are these??
. . ! What kind of sentences are these??

11 I found an amusing story in a book of folk humor.

12 Declarative

13 Was it about a well-known judge who lived in China?

14 Interrogative

15 That’s the one!

16 Exclamatory

17 Remind me how the story goes.

18 Imperative

19 One morning, the judge noticed that he was walking with a limp.

20 Declarative

21 What could the cause be?

22 Interrogative

23 He was wearing two completely different shoes!

24 Exclamatory

25 Assignment: With a partner, you will design four caricatures to represent each type of sentence. Get a piece of white paper and divide it into fourths. 3) Label one section Exclamatory, label another section Interrogative, label the next section Imperative, and label the last section Declarative. 4) Each section needs the caricature, two example sentences, and a name for your caricature. You should decorate around the caricatures and use color! Exclamatory Interrogative Imperative Declarative

26 Example of a caricature

27 Assignment: With a partner, you will design four caricatures to represent each type of sentence. Get a piece of white paper and divide it into fourths. 3) Label one section Exclamatory, label another section Interrogative, label the next section Imperative, and label the last section Declarative. 4) Each section needs the caricature, two example sentences, and a name for your caricature. You should decorate around the caricatures and use color! Exclamatory Interrogative Imperative Declarative

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