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The Cell Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell Cycle

2 Why do cells need to make copies of themselves?
Cells repeatedly divide to make more cells for growth and repair. Various organs and tissues functions to serve the needs of the cells for food, air and waste removal.

3 Cell cycle The cell cycle consists of three stages: Interphase Mitosis

4 Interphase-Is the non-dividing stage
Interphase-Is the non-dividing stage. The cell is engaged in everyday activities and it is preparing for mitosis. (resting cell)

5 Interphase: Resting Cell

6 Prior to mitosis, the cell’s genetic material and organelles are copied, so that there are two copies each chromosomes.

7 Mitosis ensures that a Eukaryotic cell receives a copy of each chromosomes consists of very specific set of steps of four phases that can be identified by the arrangement of the cell’s chromosomes.

8 At the end of mitosis, 1 cell with 2 identical nuclei are produced
At the end of mitosis, 1 cell with 2 identical nuclei are produced. Mitosis produces 2 genetically identical body cells.

9 Mitosis- Nuclear division in eukaryotic cells in which each cell receives a copy of the original chromosomes.

10 Let’s look at each phase and learn what happens in each.
Mitosis Let’s look at each phase and learn what happens in each. You are to draw each one and describe what is happening in each picture.

11 Chromosomes condense into rod like structures.
Prophase (Phase 1) Chromosomes condense into rod like structures. Disappearance of the nucleoli and the nuclear envelope.

12 Prophase

13 Early prophase

14 Late prophase

15 Formation of the microtubules of the spindle (spindle fibers)
Prometaphase Formation of the microtubules of the spindle (spindle fibers)

16 The chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell.
Metaphase (Phase 2) The chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell.

17 Metaphase

18 Anaphase (Phase 3) The chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite sides of the cell by the fibers attached to the centrioles.

19 Early Anaphase

20 Late Anaphase

21 Telophase (Phase 4) The nuclear membrane forms around the two sets of chromosomes and the fibers disappear.

22 Telophase ● Cytokinesis begins

23 Cytokinesis- The process in which cytoplasm divides after mitosis.

24 Mitosis is complete and the cytoplasm splits in two.
This results is two daughter cells that are identical. Then the cells enter interphase and the cycle starts again.

25 Daughter cell-The Cell resulting from the replication and division of a single parent cell.
Asexual reproduction

26 Daughter Cells


28 The End Study Hard

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