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Breakdown of Mitosis. M.

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1 Breakdown of Mitosis

2 M

3 Chromosomes Chromosomes- a long continuous thread of DNA that consists of numerous genes along with regulatory information Your body cells have 46 chromosomes each =diploid cells You sex cells (eggs/sperm) have 23 cells each = haploid

4 Interphase The cell copies its DNA and grows in preparation for division The DNA is loosely organized during interphase Stages of Interphase G1 (Gap 1) Stage - Growth and synthesis of new organelle S Stage - Synthesis of DNA G2 Stage - preparation for cell division

5 Prophase Chromatin condenses to form chromosomes Nuclear membrane breaks down Centrioles divide and migrate to the poles Spindles form Spindle Fibers

6 Metaphase Chromosomes line up along the equator

7 Anaphase Chromatids separate and migrate to the poles

8 Telophase Nuclear membranes reform at each pole around the chromatid Spindle disappears Cytokinesis begins.

9 Cytokinesis Divides the cytoplasm between two daughter cells, each with a genetically identical nucleus The cells enter interphase and begin the cycle again

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