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Great great Britain Literacy Fiction: Robin Hood King Arthur.

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Presentation on theme: "Great great Britain Literacy Fiction: Robin Hood King Arthur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Great great Britain Literacy Fiction: Robin Hood King Arthur Winnie the Pooh Katie in London Nessie the loch ness monster Wind in the willows To use adjectives to describe. To use the joining word (conjunction) ‘and’ to link ideas and sentences. Capital letters for names, places, the days of the week and the personal pronoun ‘I’. Finger spaces, full stops to end sentences, question marks and exclamation marks. To spell most words containing previously taught phonemes and GPCs accurately. To write lower case and capital letters in the correct direction, starting and finishing in the right place. To use the prefix ‘un’. To add the suffixes –ing, -ed, -er and –est to root words (with no change to the root word). Phonics. Phase 5 Art Banksy – silhouettes set against London backdrops. Hockney – Collages based on ‘the paper pool’ Lowrey – City scene. RE Jesus the miracle worker The Easter story. k Numeracy Length and height Compare, describe and solve practical problems for height and length Measure and begin to record lengths and heights Multiplication and division Understand that multiplication is grouping objects and repeated addition Understand that division is sharing Count in 2s, 5s and 10s. Fractions Recognise, find and name half a half as one of two equal parts of an object, shape or quantity Recognise, find and name a quarter as one of four equal parts of an object, shape or quantity. Addition and subtraction. Topic Town and country: Identify the differences between the town and the countryside Welcome to the UK: Look at the four countries and identify the capital cities Sea: Identify the seas surrounding Great Britain Global differences: Look at the differences between Great Britain and Malawi. ICT Ipads and computer games PSHCE Traditional tales and character education. PE Superskills and Gymnastics Music Exploring pulse and rhythm. Science Seasonal changes. Look at the four seasons and explore the changes Autumn: Look at how the weather changes in Autumn Autumn to winter: Explore how the weather changes Winter walk: Go for a winter walk and look at the surroundings discus what can be seen Winter weather: Look at how the weather changes in winter Winter animals: What do animals do in winter? Look at hibernation.

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