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Preview Activity: Would you lend money to someone who can only pay you back if they borrow from someone else? Mom and Dad Can Not Enforce the Rules! What.

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Presentation on theme: "Preview Activity: Would you lend money to someone who can only pay you back if they borrow from someone else? Mom and Dad Can Not Enforce the Rules! What."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preview Activity: Would you lend money to someone who can only pay you back if they borrow from someone else? Mom and Dad Can Not Enforce the Rules! What will family life be like?

2 Testable Information Follow along and fill in your
notes as we discuss the Articles of Confederation.

3 The Articles of Confederation
Click here for video

4 Articles of Confederation:
Although each colony had its own _______________, they needed to work together to defeat England. government

5 Articles of Confederation:
Just before declaring independence, the Continental Congress formed a “firm league of friendship” among the 13 colonies. This became known as the ____________________________ Articles of Confederation

6 Articles of Confederation:
The Articles established the first form of ___________/central government for the independent states. National

7 Articles of Confederation:
The Articles maintained that major powers resided with individual _________. states

8 Articles of Confederation:
There was one branch of government, a____________ to MAKE LAWS. legislature

9 Articles of Confederation:
They could ____________ money but had difficulty repaying debts. borrow

10 The Articles of Confederation had many weaknesses…

11 Major Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation:
It created a __________ national/central government weak 2. The Congress did not have the power to ______, so it had no money to do anything. tax vote 3. Each state had only one ______ regardless of its population.

12 Major Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation:
executive 4. There was no ___________ branch, so there was no one to execute (carry out) the laws. judicial 5. There was no ________ branch, so there were no courts to interpret the laws.

13 Articles of Confederation:
The weakness of the central/national/federal government (e.g. no power to tax and enforce laws) led to the writing of the _______________________. U.S. Constitution

14 Articles of Confederation:
Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Written by ___________________ Provided Freedom of _________ beliefs and opinions. Thomas Jefferson religious

15 Fill in the Blanks using the *This is an independent
Processing Activity: Fill in the Blanks using the Notes we took today. *This is an independent activity!*

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