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Mobile Phone Usage.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Phone Usage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Phone Usage

2 Look at the following table….
Profile 1 Profile 2 Profile 3 Sends s? Yes, at least 40 s No Makes phone calls? Yes, up to 2 hours a day Up to 10mins a day Yes, up to 20mins a day Receives phone calls? Yes Takes photos? Listens to music? Takes videos? Sends and receives SMS/MMS? Very rarely Yes, up to 20 a day Browses the internet? Yes, up to an hour each day Occasionally I want you to predict the type of person who fits each profile.

3 As a class how much do we use our phones?
Predict how much time the class collectively spends using mobile phones. Predict the following…. What activity that takes up most/least time the most/least popular time of day for phone usage difference between weekdays and weekends differences between boys and girls.

4 In this lesson students are learning about:
the role played by mobile phones in their own and others’ daily lives

5 At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
build a profile of their own and others’ mobile phone usage compare and contrast profiles give examples of how mobile phones are used by people in their daily lives

6 Categories of use What do we generally use mobiles for? Can use be categorised? What would be the categories? Examples socialising, entertainment, information seeking, communicating

7 Task In pairs, review your completed Phone Usage Logs (Homework Lesson 2) and to group activities into the agreed usage categories. Analyse a partner’s completed Phone Usage Log. We will build up a class profile by entering each student’s phone usage into a spreadsheet.

8 What did we find out? Work in pairs to use the spreadsheet to analyse the class profile. How accurate were the predictions you made at the start of the lesson? Ask students to predict how an employed adult’s phone usage would vary from their own and to produce a chart to highlight differences.

9 Task Produce a fact file giving examples of how a mobile phone can be used: as part of a keep fit programme to manage a health problem such as diabetes or asthma to find out what people think to pay for goods and services.

10 And finally Summarise what you have learnt about your own and others’ phone usage. Were there any surprises? Do you think your phone usage will change as they get older?

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