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Completing a weekly Lesson Observation

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1 Completing a weekly Lesson Observation
Completing a weekly Lesson Observation. Please also refer to the guidance in the Mentor Guide

2 Weekly Lesson Observation
Prior to the lesson the AT should have discussed with the mentor, the Teachers’ Standards that are to be the focus for the observation. We would suggest that there are no more than 4 pinpointed here. Those identified should be sub standards - for example 1e, 2c, 3e, 7a. ​ Please note: there is no longer the expectation that S2 and S3 are commented on in every lesson observation​.

3 Weekly Lesson Observation
There is no requirement for a mentor or ULT to write about every Standard in a lesson observation. However, during the observation if the mentor or ULT feels he /she would like to comment on additional practice (beyond the chosen Standards) then they will do so in the relevant Standard section on the observation form. This may be good practice that he/she has noticed and feels should be recognised or indeed practice which requires additional support through target setting. Please note: there is no longer the expectation that S2 and S3 are commented on in every lesson observation​.

4 Identify the subject focus and the concept/s within that subject.
Some of the identified Standards may well be related to the targets the AT has been working on during the previous week. Class/Year Group and Size should be added here. Is it a whole class session or a small group session? Is it EY, KS1 or KS2 or KS3 or KS4 or KS5? Identify the subject focus and the concept/s within that subject. Please note: there is no longer the expectation that S2 and S3 are commented on in every lesson observation​.

5 When carrying out an observation, have the Teachers’ Standards Continuum out in front of you throughout the observation. Having this supports a mentor in initial reflections concerning the focus sub Standards.

6 Using the teachers Standards in the lesson observation
For example, if an AT has chose S1a as a focus, a mentor should be considering the extent to which and AT routinely establishes a safe and stimulating environment (Developing) or is the AT able to adopt a range of approaches (Good). The vocabulary will need to be considered carefully – sufficient, good range. NOTE: We do not grade the focus sub Standards until there has been post lesson dialogue between the Mentor and AT / ATs.

7 After the lesson, you should engage the AT in
dialogue concerning the lesson, using the continuum for guidance. (For further support in this area see Coaching Script in Mentor Guide). During the dialogue, bullet point the areas discussed that are to be followed up in the Weekly Meeting. The focus of the dialogue is to enable the AT it identify how he/she has met the identified Standards in the lesson and at what level. Together you decide the level through shared use of the Teachers’ Standards Continuum. The Key Strengths of the lesson should be identified together and added to this section with Standards clearly defined (eg: S1a: Mutual Respect in evidence - it is clear that you give respect to gain respect (see further detail in S1 comment).

8 The post lesson discussion should be a dialogue – not the mentor ‘feeding back’ all their thoughts and observations of the lesson, or worse still ‘feeding at’ the AT. We would want to encourage a climate where the AT is able to justify their practice. Within our Partnership, we would like our ATs to be able to articulate their own practice, and then identify with your support, their own ways to make progress. In some instances it could also be good practice to guide this way forward for the AT. The lesson observation form with the notes of strengths and bullet points of the dialogue, is then taken forward to the Review of Progress Meeting, each week, and the points from the dialogue may in the weekly meeting, become targets for the following week.

9 The electronic copy needs to be added to Abyasa
The AT will need to scan a copy of the paper version, or upload a Word copy. To upload click on the ‘upload’ icon and choose the relevant file to add from your computer. The lesson plan, any PPT and resources also need to uploaded, along with the lesson evaluation and assessment.

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