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The U.S. Enters World War I

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1 The U.S. Enters World War I

2 Warm Up 1/19/16 What do you think it means for a country to be at total war? What changes would the country have to make and how would it affect its citizens?

3 1917 In 1917, World War I was now being fought in the seas and Germany had a blockade against Great Britain. What’s a blockade again? *Think Napoleon… Germany introduces unrestricted submarine warfare which means that they were going to sink any ship that approached Britain without warning.

4 Lusitania On May 7, 1917 the Lusitania was a British passenger ship that was traveling from the U.S. to Britain. The Germans had suspicion that the ship also carried ammunition and that the U.S. had been secretly helping the British so the shot it down using a German U-boat. U-boat is also known as…

5 American Dead On the ship 1,198 people died and 128 were U.S. citizens. Americans were outraged and after a few more attacks the United States President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany on April 2, 1917

Recap What were the two main reasons the United States entered the war? THE ZIMMERMAN NOTE THE SINKING OF THE LUSITANIA

7 War Affects the Home Front
The Allies had been fighting for 3 years by the time the United States joins them in the war. Millions had died, economies were weak, and war had devastated a lot of European countries. Governments had reverted to total war!

8 Total War Governments take control of national economies and covert consumer industry to war effort industry. Munitions factories are created and all citizens that were able are put to work for the war effort. Rationing of goods such as butter, shoe leather, rubber, and much more.

9 The War’s Impact on Women
Thousands of women replace men in the work place, such as factories, offices and shops. Women were now building tanks, plowing fields, paving streets, and running hospitals.


11 Recap What are three ways that the war affected people’s day-to-day lives?

12 The United States in WWI

13 The Zimmerman Note Read the Zimmerman note with your partner
Answer the 3 questions at the bottom of the page

14 Processing… Create a chart that shows the positive and negative affect that total war can have on society. You must provide at least 3 on each side! Pros Cons

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