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toitototototoot toitototototoot

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1 toitototototoot toitototototoot MSFD-WFD workshop from Paris to the English channel– integrated vision of water management June 19th 2012 Ministère de l'Écologie, de l'Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer 1

2 toitototototoot Outline 1. What is at stake when it comes to the solidarity between inland waters and marine waters as far WFD and MSFD are concerned ? 2. What kind of answers have been developed in France to address this issue ? 3. What questions remain, what are the possible ways forward ?

3 MSFD-WFD – solidarity between inland and marine waters
toitototototoot What is at stake ? MSFD-WFD – solidarity between inland and marine waters “Coastal waters, including their seabed and subsoil, are an integral part of the marine environment, and as such should also be covered by this Directive, in so far as particular aspects of the environmental status of the marine environment are not already addressed through Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (2) or other Community legislation, so as to ensure complementarity while avoiding unnecessary overlaps.” Overlapping area in coastal waters Addressed specifically in preamble 12 of MSFD Nested system at the junction of several influences. Covered by different tools. Pressures covered by both directives or only by one. Knowseas 2012

4 MSFD-WFD – solidarity between inland and marine waters
toitototototoot What is at stake ? MSFD-WFD – solidarity between inland and marine waters 4

5 What is at stake ? MSFD-WFD – solidarity between inland and marine waters
Limit of Territorial waters (4-12 nm) Limit EEZ Baseline Territorial waters Water under jurisdiction Continental waters High seas MSFD Marine Subregion Chemical status 1 Nautical mile Water framework directive River basin Committee , ICZM EU recommendation Emerging UE Maritime policies IMP

6 Pressures coming from inland waters with an impact on MSFD area :
What is at stake ? MSFD-WFD – solidarity between inland and marine waters Illustrations of this solidarity : Pressures coming from inland waters with an impact on MSFD area : Phytoplankton blooms (maps below) Contaminants Sediments

7 Pressures coming from inland waters with an impact on MSFD area :
What is at stake ? MSFD-WFD – solidarity between inland and marine waters Illustrations of this solidarity : Pressures coming from inland waters with an impact on MSFD area : Phytoplankton blooms (maps below) Contaminants Sediments

8 MSFD-WFD – solidarity between inland and marine waters
Illustrations of this solidarity : 2. Pressures coming from the sea with an impact on WFD area : Sea-borne pollution Non indigenous species 3. Mixed interactions : Anadromous and catadromous species (dams, by-catches, eel management plan, consistent measures between inland and marine waters …)

9 What is at stake ? Main challenges for articulation
toitototototoot What is at stake ? Main challenges for articulation 1. Meet the general objectives of both directives having in mind the differences in the scales and in the governance. 2. Ensure consistency between the levels of ambition, and coherence between assessment and monitoring, of both directives. 3. Develop economically sustainable solutions by taking into account economic and social issues at the relevant scales when elaborating programs of measures. 4. Optimize the resources used (financial, human, expertise, legal instruments) 5. Articulate as much as possible the timescales 6. Make both implementation systems readable and consistent not only for policy makers but also for experts, stakeholders, citizens.

10 toitototototoot Outline 1. What is at stake when it comes to the solidarity between inland waters and marine waters as far WFD and MSFD are concerned ? 2. What kind of answers have been developed in France to address this issue ? 3. What questions remain, what are the possible ways forward ? 10

11 toitototototoot French vision on solutions for WFD-MSFD articulation 1. Adapt the governance DCE DCSMM National level Implementation Ministry of ecology-DEB Local level Implementation Local competent authorities Bassin Façade Working services and agencies Stakeholder participation / consultation River Bassin Committee Maritime Council of Facade

12 2. share relevant data used in both directives
toitototototoot French vision on solutions for WFD-MSFD articulation 2. share relevant data used in both directives 3. better articulate these two processes for environmental targets and measures in a pragmatic way. Issues concerning the discrepancies between the timetables for definition of targets and program of measures in the two directives Choice made to define MSFD operational targets in 2015 to address this issue is a crucial milestone for both directives. 12

13 consistency between WFD and MSFD
Reaching Good Environmental for the marine environment 2020 Program of measures -2015 Monitoring program Initial Assessment GES Environmental Targets 2012 MSFD Maritime Council of Facade M Initial characterisation 2004 River basin management plan 2009 Monitoring program 2006 Good status 2015 ( ) 2015 Characterisation review 2013 WFD Water Basin Committee

14 toitototototoot Outline 1. What is at stake when it comes to the solidarity between inland waters and marine waters as far WFD and MSFD are concerned ? 2. What kind of answers have been developed in France to address this issue ? 3. What questions remain, what are the possible ways forward ? 14

15 Remaining issues and possible way forward
toitototototoot Remaining issues and possible way forward Address the remaining discrepancies in terms of timescales for targets and programs of measures. Use, when relevant, the MSFD as a possible additional tool to influence the common agricultural policies and industrial policies on particular issues. Need to improve knowledge in understanding of the solidarity between inland and marine waters. Need to improve modeling of the interactions between inland and marine waters and its use in management. Take into account transboundary issues. Try to ensure better consistency for the exemptions. Need to involve stakeholders and experts in the implementation of both directives on the long term. Nested system. Need to have a global view.

16 Thank you for your attention!
toitototototoot Thank you for your attention!

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