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CSE-321 Programming Languages Introduction to Functional Programming

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1 CSE-321 Programming Languages Introduction to Functional Programming
박성우 POSTECH March 5, 2009

2 Programming Paradigms
Structured programming C, Pascal, … Object-oriented programming C++, Java, … Logic programming Prolog, … Functional programming SML, Haskell, Objective Caml, Lisp, Scheme, F#, …

3 Functional Language SML
Standard ML ML = Meta-Language An example of programming language whose design is based on the programming language theory type theory Programming language for your assignments

4 Designer of SML

5 Familiar?

6 WTH?

7 Outline Expressions and values Variables Functions Types Recursion
Datatypes Pattern matching Higher-order functions Exceptions Modules

8 Imperative Language C A program consists of commands.
command = “do something” Nothing wrong: if (x == 1) then x = x + 1; else x = x - 1; Nothing wrong either:

9 Functional Language SML
A program consists of expressions. expression = “obtain a value” Nothing wrong: if (x = 1) then x + 1 else x - 1 But this does not make sense: what is the value if x <> 1?

10 Expression Evaluation An expression “evaluates” to a value.
We “evaluate” an expression to obtain a value.

11 Integer Evaluation 1 + 1 2 1 - 1 1 * 1 1

12 Boolean Evaluation 1 = 1 true 1 <> 1 false 1 <> 0 true

13 An Integer Expression if 1 = ~1 then 10 else ~10
if false then else ~10 ~10

14 Values as Expressions 1 ???

15 Outline Expressions and values V Variables Functions Types Recursion
Datatypes Pattern matching Higher-order functions Exceptions Modules

16 Variable Declaration - val x = 1 + 1; val x = 2 : int
A variable x is “bound” to value 2. From now on, any occurrence of x is replaced by 2. - val y = x + x; val y = 4 : int

17 Local Declaration let val x = 1 val y = x + x val z = y + y in z + z
end 8

18 Nested Local Declaration
let val x = 1 in x + x end let val y = <expression> in y + y end let val y = let val x = 1 in x + x end in y + y end

19 Why “Local”? let val y = let val x = 1 in x + x end x + y okay???

20 Variables are NOT variable.
The contents of a variable never change. immutability of variables Surprise? That’s because you are thinking about variables in imperative programming. variables in SML <> variables in C

21 Then Why Variables? Any advantage in using variables at all? let
val x = 1 val y = x + x val z = y + y in z + z end ((1 + 1) + (1 + 1)) + ((1 + 1) + (1 + 1)) VS. What if it takes 10 hours to evaluate 1?

22 Outline Expressions and values V Variables V Functions Types Recursion
Datatypes Pattern matching Higher-order functions Exceptions Modules

23 When is the first time you learned the concept of function?

24 즐거운 낱말 공부 시간 함수(函數): 두 변수 x, y간에 어떤 관계가 있어 x의 변화에 따라 y가 일정한 법칙으로 변화할 때 y를 x의 함수라 함. (function) (동아 마스타 국어사전)

25 函 즐거운 한자 공부 시간 1. 함(함). 2. 편지(함) 3. 갑옷(함) 4. 넣을, 들일(함) 예:
(書函) 서함: 책을 넣는 상자

26 Function = 函數 = Box Number!

27 Using a Box Number

28 Using a Box Number - Generalized

29 Function in SML = Box Number
(fn x => x + 1) n =

30 Function Application (fn x => x + 1) n
(fn x => x + 1) n We “apply” (fn x => x + 1) to n. x is called a formal argument/parameter. n is called an actual argument/parameter.

31 Evaluating a Function Application
(fn x => x + 1) n n + 1

32 Functions in SML Nameless function fn x => x + 1;
Storing a nameless function to a variable val incr = fn x => x + 1; Function declaration fun incr x = x + 1;

33 Function Applications
incr 1 (fn x => x + 1) 1 1 + 1 2

34 First-class Objects First-class objects = primitive objects
can be stored in a variable. can be passed as an argument to a function. can be returned as a return value of a function. Examples: integers booleans characters floating-point numbers

35 First-class Objects in C
integers characters floating-point numbers pointers structures Functions? Function pointers are first-class objects. But functions are not. Why? You cannot create new functions on the fly!

36 Functions = First-class Objects in SML
can be passed as an argument to a function. can be returned as a return value of a function.

37 Box Number as Output such that

38 Box Number as Output x +x

39 Box Number as Output x y y+x

40 Box Number as Output x y fn y => y+x y+x

41 Box Number as Output x y fn y => y+x y+x fn y => y+x

42 Box Number as Output x y y+x fn x => (fn y => y+x)

43 In SML Recall the following declarations are equivalent:
val incr = fn x => x + 1; fun incr x = x + 1; Then: val add = fn x => (fn y => y + x); fun add x = fn y => y + x; fun add x y = y + x; add takes only one argument, not two! In fact, every function in SML takes only one argument.

44 (fn x => (fn y => y + x)) 1 2
Adding Two Integers add 1 2 (fn x => (fn y => y + x)) 1 2 (fn y => y + 1) 2 2 + 1 3

45 Box Number as Input ( true, false)

46 Box Number as Input f fn f => (f true, f false) ( f true, f false)

47 Outline Expressions and values V Variables V Functions V Types
Recursion Datatypes Pattern matching Higher-order functions Exceptions Modules

48 Types A type specifies what kind of value a given expression evaluates to. 1 + 1 : int true andalso false : bool #”A” : char ”hello” : string (1, true) : int * bool (1, ~1, true) : int * int * bool 1.0 : real () : unit

49 Type Preservation Expression : T
Value : T An evaluation preserves the type of a given expression.

50 Example let val x = 1 val y = x + x val z = y + y in z + z end : int

51 Function Types T -> T’ type of functions:
taking arguments of type T returning values of type T’ Example: val incr = fn x => x + 1; val incr = fn : int -> int fun incr x = x + 1; val incr = fn : int -> int Explicit type annotation val incr = fn (x:int) => x + 1; val incr = fn (x:int) : int => x + 1; fun incr (x:int) = x + 1; fun incr (x:int) : int = x + 1;

52 Type of add x fn y => y+x fn x => (fn y => y+x)

53 Type of add int fn x => (fn y => y+x) fn y => y+x

54 Type of add int fn x => (fn y => y+x) int -> int

55 Type of add int int -> (int -> int) int -> int

56 What is the Type? f fn f => (f true, f false) ( f true, f false)

57 f : bool -> int ? ( true, false) f : (bool -> int) ->
int * int fn f => (f true, f false) ( f true, f false)

58 But why is it f : bool -> int ?

59 Why not f : bool -> char ?
char * char fn f => (f true, f false) ( f true, f false)

60 f : bool -> int * string ? f : bool -> unit ?
Then why not f : bool -> string ? f : bool -> int * string ? f : bool -> unit ? f : bool -> (int -> int) ? f : bool -> <crazy type> ?

61 So we need Polymorphism.

62 Announcement Assignment 1 will be out tonight.
Due at 11:59pm, March 12 (next Thursday) Details of the instruction are all in the handout. If you don't find your handin directory, me. Makeup lecture 정통연 143호, 9:30am, tomorrow

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