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AIM: What do we need to study for the test?

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Presentation on theme: "AIM: What do we need to study for the test?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AIM: What do we need to study for the test?
Do Now: Take out review sheet HW: Study

2 Open up foreign trade Increase trade and decrease travel time To expand the U.S. , gain new markets and resources. U.S. gained colonies Sensational writing, made Spain look bad U.S. could intervene

3 One nation taking over another nation for raw materials and markets.
We became a colonial power. The sugar cane farmers Panama Canal, we wanted to protect our investments. Open up trade with Japan Bought it from Russia. Sinking of the Maine, DeLome letter, yellow journalism

4 It is a commonwealth Protect investments, concern over the treatment of the Cubans. We could intervene with Cuba, we protected them. Philippines, Guam, Cuba and Puerto Rico Purchase of Alaska

5 Dollar Diplomacy The US became involved in international affairs. A revolt of the Chinese against foreigners in 1900. Emilio Aguinaldo Allowed the US to get involved in affairs of countries in the western hemisphere. Allow the US to send troops into Latin America

6 Essay Explain how we acquired 3 territories.
Be sure to include historical circumstances Results of acquisition

7 Essay Alaska Bought from Russia Natural Resources Seward’s Folly Oil
Effect would be gained resources

8 Hawaii Gained natural resources Black sand Sugar Canes/Plantations
Stepping stone for trade Naval Base Queen Liliuokani Annexed by the United States of America

9 Puerto Rico Limited say in government (foraker)
Gained from Spanish American War Jones Act – gave more say Common Wealth Puerto Rico was a protectorate of USA

10 Philippines Gained from Spanish American War Wanted independence
Paid $20 million to Spain for Philippines Revolution occurred in response to USA control Set up similar governments in Puerto Rico Emilio Aguinaldo – Filipino leader Independence

11 Cuba Guantanamo Bay Teller Amendment – would not annex Cuba
No borrowing of money without US intervene Received from Spanish American War Able to write their own constitution

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