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Debating America’s New Role

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1 Debating America’s New Role
Ch. 10 Sect. 4 Debating America’s New Role

2 Anti-Imperialists League
Made up of mostly well-to-do professionals. William Jennings Bryan Jane Addams Mark Twain

3 Anti-Imperialists Arguments
Expansion was against “liberty for all”. The Constitution must follow the flag.-people in territories should be protected just like Americans at home. Imperialism threatened the nation’s democratic foundations. What if the army is used at home? Racism-If the U.S. takes over lands with different races, then more will come to the U.S.

4 Anti-Imperialists Arguments
Too costly to maintain the forces necessary to protect the territories. Fear of compulsory (mandatory) military service. Immigrants will take jobs or drive wages down. 8. Foreign goods would come in without paying custom duties (tariffs) and hurt American business.

5 Expansionists Arguments
Appeals to American’s “frontier mentality”-MANIFEST DESTINY -Boy Scouts come to the US in 1910 -Girl Scouts begins in 1912 Economic needs- new markets and resources. Military needs- naval bases -1907 Great White Fleet goes on its cruise around the world

6 The Price of Becoming a World Power
Latin Americans begin to cry, “Yankee, Go Home!” because they resent our involvement. Other countries turn to the US for help placing us in uncertain situations.

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