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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up

2 Other Expressed Powers

3 Foreign Relations/War Powers
Constitution does not allow states to take part in foreign relations Congress has inherent powers to act on security matters Expressly War Powers listed in Article I Sec. 8 allows Congress to Declare War Raise an Army Restrict use of troops in an area where a state of war doesn’t exist POTUS is commander in chief and controls how war plays out

4 Naturalization, Postal, Copyright Powers
Decides process for which non-citizens become naturalized citizens (I, 8, 4) Congress in charge postal procedures, routes which mail get to people (I, 8, 7) Set criminal law regarding post (mail fraud, obstruct someone getting their mail) Copyrights registered in Library of Congress, good for life of author + 70 years Patents good for 20 years administered by Patent and Trademark Office Copyright- exclusive right of an author to sell, publish, reproduce their creative work; Patent grants perso sole right to manufactor, use or sell any new machine, product etc.

5 Weights/Measures, Territories & Judicial Powers
Power to set policy for how time, distance, area, weight, volume are measured 1838 Congress decided to use English system instead of metric system I, 8,17; IV, 3, 2- gives Congress power to acquire, manage, dispose of territories, military bases etc. Power of eminent domain allows Congress to take private property for public use (with compensation) Congress structures the federal judiciary, establishes lower courts, define fed crimes

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