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Presentation on theme: "Games."— Presentation transcript:

1 Games

2 Game definition It is an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other

3 Types of games Tabletop games Olympic games Videogames
Children’s games Among others.

4 Tabletop games Is a general term used to refer to board games, card games, dice games and other games that are normally played on a table or other flat surface. Some of these games are: Card games Blackjack poker

5 Olympic Games A group of modern international athletic contests held as separate winter and summer competitions every four years in a different city. Some of these olympic games are: Luge Synchronized swimming

6 Videogames An electronic or computerized game played by manipulating images on a video display or television screen. Some of these videogames are: Consoles Rpg games Strategy games

7 Children’s games are informal games, most often played by children without adult organization, sometimes even despite the disapproval of adults. Some of these games are: Jump the rope. Musical chair. Clapping game.

8 Activities Activity one:
Classify the following games according their type and add some games that you know in the following chart. Strategic games, Luge, musical chair, blackjack, poker,jumping rope consoles, synchronized swimming, card games, clapping. Tabletop games Olympic games Videogames Children’s games

9 Activities Activity two:
You are in the park and you meet a childhood friend. First you speak about the return to school and then begin to talk about your favorite games (what is the game about, how long you play, etc.). At the end of the conversation you are going to play together to a game that you like. This activity is done by pairs

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