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Spicaholics Taste of your homeland.

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Presentation on theme: "Spicaholics Taste of your homeland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spicaholics Taste of your homeland

2 Outline Value Proposition/What is Spicaholics Customer Segments
Channels Customer relationships Revenue Streams Key resources Key partners Key activities Cost structure Expansion possibilities

3 What is Spicaholics? Service to provide you with the ingredients you need to cook as you did in your home country MVP: online shopping website to buy quality homeland spices Feature: access spices unavailable in Spain PAIN: cannot find homeland spices in Madrid Expensive to buy bulk in exclusive stores GAIN: easy & fast to buy online buy in small quantities PAIN-KILL: save time and money

4 How does it work Features: Spices differentiated per country
Chat window to ask questions Give comments on products Easy to use buy mechanism See of product is in stock in Spain

5 Customer Segments Cheap Fast and available Wide range of choices
International Students ExpatRIATEs Cheap Fast and available Wide range of choices Good quality

6 Market Statistics Price range Percentage 2-5 € 80% Target market share
Population (milllions) Total Foreigners % in Population Outside EU 2011 Spain 5,6 12,3% 3,3 7,2% EU 33,3 6,6% 20,5 4,1% 2012 5,7 12,0% 3,2 6,9% 34,3 6,8% 20,7 1. Price range Percentage 2-5 € 80% Survey results Target market share 10% Target student 7000 2. International Students in Spain 72.488 5th in EU 2011 Estimated expat in Spain 60.000 Target market share 10% Target expat 6000 3. Diplomatic Missions in Spain 118 in Madrid (Embassies and Consulates) 36 in Barcelona 11 Sevilla 9 Valencia EU Population Statistics BP-EN j

7 Channels

8 Channels Web and mobile Website Social networks App Physical Branch

9 Customer Relationship
KEEP: - loyalty program - extend products - newsletter updates GET: - social media - e-brochures GROW: - referrals - cross-sell

10 Cost Structure 968,000 € OPEX CAPEX Cost of sale: 732000
Logistics costs: Transportation cost: 20000 Inventory carrying cost: 24000 Marketing & administrative cost: 20000 Wages: Utilities: 2000 Tech costs: 5000 Other operating costs: 7000 Fixed Assets: Conditioners, servers, other tangible equipments : 968,000 €


12 Revenue Streams Strategy: Provide our customers easy access to spices they missed Make them happy with taste of homeland Product range: 50g & 100g Top 20 product at the start-up Asset Sale & Advertising

13 Revenue Streams Price tactic: Volume priced
Stock Long shelf life Price range 0,70-5,0 € Affordable to buy Purpose: Gain through high demand

14 Revenue Streams Purpose: Gain through high demand Student / month 5 €
Student / month 5 € Student / year 55 € # Student 7.000 Sub Total: Expat / month 15 € Expat / year 180 € # Expat 6.000 Total: Purpose: Gain through high demand

15 Universities/ALUNI in Madrid
Key partners Partners and Suppliers needed to make the business model work Raw materials suppliers Logistics company Universities/ALUNI in Madrid

16 Key activities Order management Logistic On-line marketing
Event management Physical branch operation Diversification of activities

17 Key resources Finance: Friends, Family and Fools (FFF), own savings.
Physical: Human Resources: sales and logistics coordinators, website administrator, delivery staff and advisor.

18 Expansion

19 Thank you for your attention
Spicaholics – Taste of your Homeland

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