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중간고사 이후 일정.

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Presentation on theme: "중간고사 이후 일정."— Presentation transcript:

1 중간고사 이후 일정

2 중간고사 결과 오늘 배부 오늘 수업을 비교적 일찍 종료하고 중간고사 결과 노트 배부
오늘 수업을 비교적 일찍 종료하고 중간고사 결과 노트 배부 성적 관련 질문이 있는 학생들은 서정건 교수 연구실 (418호)로 찾아 올 것 오늘이 아니더라도 기말고사 전까지 언제든 찾아 올 수 있고 정정이 가능함

3 제 6 장 헌법과 정부형태 민주주의 대통령제 의회제도

4 Democracy 정의/관점 “Democracy is a form of institutionalization of continual conflicts . . . [and] of uncertainty, of subjecting all interests to uncertainty" (Przeworski) Democracy is "governance by leaders whose authority is based on a limited mandate from a universal electorate that selects among genuine alternatives and has some rights to political participation and opposition." (Danziger) "Democracy is a system in which parties lose elections. There are parties: divisions of interest, values and opinions. There is competition, organized by rules. And there are periodic winners and losers." (Przeworski) "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard." (H.L. Mencken)

5 Democracy Democracy comes from Greek words meaning government by the people; distrusted until the 19th century Direct democracy, where all citizens could vote on government policies, may occur through referendums, but is difficult to achieve given the size of a modern nation Representative democracy is where people elect representatives to make laws and govern; Constitutional means that the government is limited and can wield its authority only in specific ways Illiberal democracies are regimes elected to power but lack democratic qualities such as civil rights and limits on government

6 대의민주주의의 특징들 Popular Accountability of Government Political Competition
Alternation in Power Uncertain Electoral Outcomes Popular Representation Majority Decisions Right of Dissent and Disobedience Popular Equality Popular Consultation Free Press

7 Democratic Change and Persistence
Comparing democracy and democratic development:  “measurement issue” Major indicators Freedom House Index Polity Index

8 Freedom House Rankings on Relative Freedom

9 Democratic Change and Persistence
Modernization theory Economic and technological development produce fundamental changes in society (ex: industrialization, urbanization, social mobility, education) The rise of the middle class crucial for democracy Any criticism? Too heavily relying on European experience? Too broad and general to provide any exact explanation? (Is this causal or correlation mechanism?)

10 Democratic Change and Persistence
The rise of a property-owning middle class is crucial for economic development and democratization: WHY? Forming a middle level between the traditional elites and the majority of working people Demanding personal freedom and the right to participation to secure their economic position Pressing for education, health care and housing, etc Forming associations and organizations as the backbone of civil society Having a moderating impact on social conflicts, preferring moderate solutions and rejecting extreme positions

11 Democratic Change and Persistence
The features of “embedded democracy” A well-developed civil society Secure civil and political rights A set of autonomous institutions of government that act within the rule of law A system of free and fair elections A government with effective power to perform its duties “Defective democracy” Neither democratic nor undemocratic Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Bulgaria

12 Democracy in South Korea
(40:00-) South Korea’s democracy = embedded democracy or defective democracy? If yes, how so? If not, why not?

13 100점으로 환산 시 중간고사 성적 분포 (Median = 78.6)

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