Breakout Session Summary Construction

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1 Breakout Session Summary Construction
November 1-2, 2007

2 Overall Construction Trends
Construction accounted for 1226 fatal work injuries, the most of any industry Construction had 4th highest industry fatality rate (10.8 per 100,000) Total (2006) represented a 3 percent increase over 2005 total Falls account for the greatest percentage of fatalities Fatality rates for contracted employees not under supervision of organization significantly higher than employees

3 Organizational Consistency With Trends
Industry group findings not consistent with 2nd leading cause of fatalities – Transportation Industry group data not consistent with overall industry fatality rate (10.8) – variation between construction of building, heavy & civil, and specialty trade contractors (BLS data accuracy) Industry group downward recordable and lost time incident trends & no fatality trend changes consistent with BLS data

4 Most Significant Contributing Causes
Language/cultural/educational barriers that results in workers not proficient with project requirements and associated rules Scheduling & work hours that conflict with safety requirements usually resulting in additional risks General & regulatory training that does not address project specific risks / hazards Inadequate fund allocation for safety resulting in management system deficiencies Monitoring for safety management system effectiveness (i.e. ANSI Z10) Litigation issues that prevent safety continuous improvement efforts – i.e. discoverable documents, terms & conditions

5 Most Significant Organizational Weaknesses
Lack of senior management / owners understanding of safety and associated financial benefits (ROI) Unclear understanding of line management, safety & employee roles and responsibilities for safety (accountability) Employees do not have proper knowledge / skill-set, specifically assessing risks and implementing appropriate control measures

6 Solutions & Best Practices for Fatality Prevention
Hazard Analysis Effectiveness for non-routine tasks Design in Safety during Engineering Pre-job/task Planning stages Contractor (including subcontractors) pre-qualification using predetermined scoring system and ongoing performance review Site-specific training for project risks Zero-tolerance for deviation to established safety requirements and continual owner-contractor assessments Incident investigation findings used for establishing causal factors and improvement in safety system Owner-led integration for safety during all construction stages

7 Areas of Future Research
Design and development of effective and appropriate safety training & educational materials for diverse workforce Determine correlation between virtual reality simulators and construction safety performance

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