Working Well With Others

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1 Working Well With Others

2 To treat everyone fairly and equally.
Most of the time, you do not get to choose who your coworkers are. Your boss does. Your coworkers may be different than you. To get along with them you need to tolerate their differences. Be tolerant of your coworkers. Do not judge. Try to find things that you have in common with them. Remember that they may be facing the same things with you. Tolerance: To treat everyone fairly and equally.

3 Prejudice: A negative attitude toward a group of people.
Avoid prejudice. Racism-the prejudice that some races are better than others. Sexism-the prejudice that one gender/ or sex, is better than the other. Do not judge people by these things, get to know each person as an individual. Prejudice: A negative attitude toward a group of people.

4 Showing an interest is a great way to get to like you
Showing an interest is a great way to get to like you. Showing interest in others helps you get along. Show interest by asking about things that interest them. Ask about hobbies and interests. You might find things you have in common with them. Most people love to talk about themselves. Another way to show interest is through body language.

5 The ability to imagine yourself in another person’s shoes.
When you have empathy, you have a sense of what another person is feeling and you have a better chance of understanding them. Empathy: The ability to imagine yourself in another person’s shoes.

6 Be positive. Everyone has bad days sometimes. It is still important to have a positive attitude as mush as you can. Being cheerful helps you to get along with others. People feel more comfortable around positive people. Who is easier to talk to? Someone who seems angry all the time or someone who is cheerful and happy?

7 Smile often Rarely complain Like others Admit mistakes Cooperate
Positive people: Smile often Rarely complain Like others Cooperate Admit mistakes Like to learn new things Cooperate Admit mistakes Like to learn new things

8 Do not like to learn new things
Rarely Smile Complain often Dislike others Argue to avoid work Blame others Negative people Rarely smile Dislike others Complain often Blame others Argue to avoid work Do not like to learn new things Do not like to learn new things

9 Show Respect Be respectful in your actions Be honest, show people that they can believe what you say. Be dependable, do what you say you will do. Do your fair share of the work. Knock before you open someone's door. Open a door for someone when their hands are full. Be respectful in your words Think before you speak. Be courteous Remember to say please, thank you, and you’re welcome. Be kind in your words Never tell jokes about someone's culture or gender.

10 To work well with others to reach a goal.
Cooperation is the key to good teamwork. It means putting the goals of your team first. Do your part and make sure what you did was done correctly Make sure your work is done on time. When you are done, think about how you can help the team. (football analogy) If you have a good idea, share it. To work well with others to reach a goal.

11 Be a leader A leader is not someone who tells other people what to do. A leader is someone who motivates others to work toward a goal. One way to lead is to set a positive example.

12 Just be the same person everyday
Just be the same person everyday. People will know what to expect from you. Always be the same person. That way other will know how to get along with you.

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