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CSCE 121 Introduction to Program Design and Concepts

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1 CSCE 121 Introduction to Program Design and Concepts
Spring 2014

2 Stroustrup/Programming
People Instructor: John Keyser TA: Michael Nowak Stroustrup/Programming

3 Stroustrup/Programming
Prerequisites We assume some prior programming course The language doesn’t matter Assume you will be familiar with some basic programming concepts Will be going through some material very fast, assuming it is more “refresher” Stroustrup/Programming

4 Stroustrup/Programming
Course Communication Sources of Information Website To show up soon… Piazza Will be asking you to join piazza Class and Lab Come every time! Stroustrup/Programming

5 Stroustrup/Programming
Textbook Bjarne Stroustrup’s Programming Principles and Practice Using C++ 4th printing or later The textbook is very necessary! We will follow the textbook closely in this class. Stroustrup/Programming

6 Stroustrup/Programming
Grades Assignments (50%) Will be handed out. Work on at home and in lab Exams (40%) Two midterm exams (10% each), one final (20%) Assume Scantron needed Attendance and Participation (10%) Pop quizzes, attendance quizzes, lab quizzes, online participation, etc. Stroustrup/Programming

7 Stroustrup/Programming
Grading Assignments and Attendance/Participation Each item will have a base score (weight) Total grade is sum of grades over sum of base scores Late assignments Penalized by number of minutes late, m Penalty is multiplier of m Stroustrup/Programming

8 Stroustrup/Programming
Turnin Turn in to CSNet Should try to get accounts in first lab Include honor code statement on assignments If you have questions on collaboration – assume you cannot and then check with instructor or TA! Stroustrup/Programming

9 Stroustrup/Programming
Questions Questions on the general course structure? Stroustrup/Programming

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