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Writers Of European History.

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1 Writers Of European History

2 Dante Wrote Divine Comedy returned to the vernacular

3 Boccaccio Wrote the Decameron
It is about people trying to escape black death.

4 Castiglione Wrote Book of the Courtier
Which is a how to book about how to behave in court Humanist loved this. 1st ‘how to’ book

5 Erasmus Concerned with studying the bible in its original form.
Wrote In Praise of Folly, which he uses to comically expose the immoral behavior of the clergy.

6 Sir Thomas More Wrote Utopia
Describes the ideal society, where everyone shares work and profit Also uses his book to criticize the current society.

7 Rabelais Published Gargantua and Pantagruel
It was a fictional tale of two gentle giants that roam countryside and get in trouble This writing was a return to fiction and also a comedy.

8 Cervantes Wrote Don Quixote
It is a story of a foolish but idealistic knight who gets in trouble roaming countryside and his serious friend, Sancho Panza, keeps him from getting in trouble. Also a comedy and heavily Catholic.

9 Shakespeare Play writer who wrote for the masses
Wrote fictional stories and to please the crowd. Work known as Elizabethan Drama because it was under Elizabeth’s reign.

10 Martin Luther Wrote Justification by Faith
His writing says everything in life has no consequence and just having faith is enough. He attacks the indulgences of the Catholic church. Posted the 95 Theses on church door which led to the Protestant Reformation

11 John Milton English Puritan Poet Greatest 17th Century Literation
Paradise Lost which is about satans revolt against God Paradise Regained which is about Jesus' temptation in the wilderness

12 Daniel Defoe English novelist
He wrote for the massive audience enjoyment Most famous work is Robinson Crusoe which is about a shipwreck sailor Also wrote Moll Flanders which is about a street woman

13 Johnathon Swift Wrote Gulliver’s Travels
The story is about a guy traveling around the world

14 Denis Diderot Organized the first encyclopedia
First one in 1751 then in 1772 with 17 volumes Combined effort of more than 100 authors

15 Coleridge Master of Gothic poems
Wrote the “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” Also wrote “Kubla Khan” after a dream

16 Wordsworth Coleridge’s friend Published Lyrical Ballads with Coleridge
Interested in children because they were the closest to spiritual world Also interested in nature

17 Lord Byron & Percy Shelley
One of the most successful romantic poets Had many works based on the ancient Greek plays and Poems

18 Goethe Part of the Sturm und Drang movement in Germany which emphasized emotion Published Faust, which is about a man making a pact with the devil and exchanges his soul for greater knowledge.

19 Brothers Grimm and Dumas
Wrote exciting tales like Count of Monte Cristo and the Three Musketeers Collection of German tradition folk stories in Grimm’s Fairy Tales

20 Gustave Flaubert Wrote about the dull life of the bourgeoisie
Author of Madame Bovary which is about the quest to find love and happiness He said women are bored with society

21 Emile Zola and Henrik Ibson
Favorite topics were alcoholism and prostitution Author of Doll’s House Story about a woman who is depressed and mad at husband

22 H. G. Wells Wrote Time Machine and War of Worlds
Brought science fiction to the public Very popular and thrilling to people

23 D. H. Lawerence Wrote Lady Chatterley’s Lover
graphic novel about a woman who had lover outside of marriage

24 Huxley and George Orwell
Wrote Brave New World His book was a grim picture of the future Wrote Animal Farm and 1984 Famous for criticism of totalitarian

25 Franz Kafka Wrote Metamorphosis
Also wrote All Quiet on the Western Front which is an antiwar novel written about trench warfare in WWI.

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