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Agenda Observations SINGA Movement SINGA in Belgium Why support SINGA?

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Observations SINGA Movement SINGA in Belgium Why support SINGA?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Observations SINGA Movement SINGA in Belgium Why support SINGA?

2 Observations No Social Network Knowledge of cultural aspects
Language Learning Knowledge of cultural aspects Access to common information Access to education Access to estate markets Access to job markets

3 Practice national languages
Observations Opportunities Practice national languages Get out of isolation Build a social network

4 〈 First bond : Passions〉
SINGA Movement Singa = “Bond” in lingala Creating bonds, opportunities to meet newcomers and people from the hosting society. Missions Inform: Raise awareness and shift society’s perception of refugees and their role in society. Interact: Create opportunities for connecting newcomers and locals. Innovate: Offer innovative approaches for socio-economic inclusion and solutions to overcome the challenges faced by newcomers. 〈 First bond : Passions〉

5 BUDDY PROGRAM Making matches between two people based on common interests. Benefits Practicing national languages Understanding socio-cultural codes Discovering the city Developing their social networks Number of buddies created 95 pairs (190 persons) that meet twice a month.

6 Number of activities developed
Activities in Brussels developed by and for members of SINGA. Benefits Practice of national languages Transmission of knowledge Development of an entrepreneurial spirit Valorization of potentials Recovery of self-confidence Creation of a social network Number of activities developed 18 types of activities carried out by 60 members allowing SINGA to propose 5 different activities per week.

Recurrent problem for refugees Asylum seekers’ centre to private housing When decision comes: maximum 4 months to find accommodation. Refugees encounter many obstacles in their housing search: trust is key in any owner/ tenant relationship. A person of reference can make all the (good!) difference CALM= Comme A La Maison Temporary co-housing One refugee at one local’s home from 3 to 12 months Partnerships with existing social and public housing actors.

8 The SINGA Belgian Community
95 buddies 18 kinds of activities 650 members 60 workshop developers 250 activity sessions 6 team members including 4 trainees A lot of smiles!

9 Why support SINGA? After one year in Belgium, SINGA
Is considered a trusted actor in social inclusion by the sector Has an impact on the social network of newcomers Builds a constructive opinion of newcomers through real life encounters => fewer stereotypes. Succeeds in allowing citizens to contribute to reducing an atmosphere of fear By supporting SINGA, the Legal Run 2019 effort will directly fund the development of the CALM project specifically: Providing 40 refugees with a safe and decent place to stay and start their life in Belgium Speeding up & facilitating searches for a permanent homes Training 80 people on intercultural understanding and administrative procedures (mainly focused on housing) Significantly impacting the social inclusion of 40 refugees (through language learning and teaching an understanding of socio-cultural codes)

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