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How Mosquitoes Grow.

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Presentation on theme: "How Mosquitoes Grow."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Mosquitoes Grow

2 Female Male

3 What does a mosquito larva need?
Water Oxygen Food Warmth

4 If a larva gets everything it needs, it will change…
Pupa Adult

5 What do adult mosquitoes need?
Nectar Blood Energy to fly... Protein for eggs...

6 How insects grow…

7 A larva cannot survive without this…

8 This is needed so eggs can grow…

9 This is helps mosquitoes grow quickly…

10 More than just skin…

11 Where a larva breathes…

12 An underwater vacuum…

13 Found on the surface of the water…

14 Different uses for males and females

15 Your Classroom Experiment…



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