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‘Act on acceptance’ at the University of Oxford

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1 ‘Act on acceptance’ at the University of Oxford
Owen Coxall Outreach and Enquiry Services Manager Bodleian Health Care Libraries Sally Rumsey Head of Scholarly Communications and RDM The Bodleian Libraries – 12.30

2 Setting the scene - Oxford Open Access is a collaborative project involving: Research Services Bodleian Libraries IT Services Planning and Resource Allocation Section OUP Academic Divisions, accountable to the Pro Vice- Chancellor (Research) and the Research Committee

3 Within open access oxford there’s the OA team, made up of: ORA team Symplectic team APC team Subject librarians (including an OA Librarian)

4 Cross-institution collaboration VERY deliberate
Cross-institution collaboration VERY deliberate! The challenge at Oxford: “the research departments are big, scattered and independent. And we can’t tell them what to do!”

5 Supporting researchers getting to grips with Open Access and funder requirements etc. Lots of work preparing for the new HEFCE OA requirements Subject librarians – spreading the word!

6 What have we done – providing online help Website: openaccess. ox. ac
What have we done – providing online help Website: Helpline:

7 What have we done – talked to people
What have we done – talked to people! Meetings and Briefings – departments, research groups, administrators, communication officers Special Events – stands at events, drop-in sessions

8 What’s worked/been a success
What’s worked/been a success? Building partnerships and working together – vital. Made contacts within Medical Science Division in research and comms, and worked together Finding the right “hook” – saving time, money, reputation. Tailoring presentation and message to audience

9 What’s worked/been a success
What’s worked/been a success? helpline – answers enquiries quickly but also provides a peer support network for subject librarians and a valuable source of answers Helps keep subject librarians up-to-speed

10 What’s worked/been a success
What’s worked/been a success? Briefings/presentations tacked on to or part of an existing meeting Departments organising sessions Much better attendance than arranging our own sessions

11 What’s hasn’t worked so well
What’s hasn’t worked so well? Some events have been poorly attended eg no attendees! Awareness can still be low despite constant marketing and trying to raise awareness

12 Final thoughts – it’s a bit of a library cliché, but…
Final thoughts – it’s a bit of a library cliché, but….. Build relationships Target the right people with the right message Don’t give up!

13 Response to HEFCE OA Policy
Governed by OA Project Group OA Service design project pilot Jan – Sept 2015 All OA, not just REF

14 Act on Acceptance Simple single message Simple interface
Simple actions

15 1st October 2015 AOA Go live – practice run
6 month run-up to HEFCE deadline Communications machine continues Visits Online and other information Subject librarians up to speed Behind the scenes service reduce burden on academics Editing and metadata enhancement Staff to run the service Interface: single deposit mechanism (next slide) Deposit via Symplectic All researchers needed accounts to be ready by 1/10/15

16 Researcher-friendly: four mandatory fields
Title Authors Date of acceptance Journal title

17 Number of deposits per month (cumulative)
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 Figures at 29th Feb 2015 Does not include theses and some other items All item types and ‘back catalogue’


19 Working at scale: Facts and figures
Measure Numbers at Oxford Research staff numbers July 2014 4,500 Numbers of research students Dec 2014 5600 Externally funded grants research income (2013/14) £477.9 M Estimated numbers of peer-reviewed papers p.a. 16,000 Returns to REF 2014: numbers of academic staff submitted 2409 Nos of academic areas submitted to REF 2014 31 Numbers of linked ORCIDs Feb 2016 (ORCID at Oxford service) 2,300

20 Culture change? Drivers over last 3 – 4 years have been external
Compliance vs OA as a ‘good thing’ University OA statement

21 Thank you

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