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The West and Farming.

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Presentation on theme: "The West and Farming."— Presentation transcript:

1 The West and Farming

2 Sand Creek Massacre Colorado (1864) 400 Indians killed in cold bold

3 Fetterman Massacre Indian response to Sand Creek 1866
81 soldiers and civilians in Wyoming by Sioux warriors

4 Gold!!!!! Found in Great Sioux Reservation
Led to Custer’s Last Stand (fight with Sitting Bull) - Little Bighorn in 1876

5 Chief Joseph 1877 Tried to flee with his Nez Perce tribe
After 1700 miles they finally gave up and were forced onto reservation

6 Geranimo Apache leader Led many successful campaigns against whites
Forced to settle and farm in Oklahoma

7 Plight of the Indians Reservations, loss of lifestyles and loss of food source (buffalo) Helen Hunt Jackson Forced Assimilation Battle of Wounded Knee Government killed over 200 men, women and children because they were participating in the Ghost Dance “cult”

8 Dawes Severalty Act 1887 Forced assimilation
Dissolved many tribes, wiped out tribal ownership of land Led to Indians losing 50% of their land

9 Western Life

10 Mining 59’ers and the Comstock Lode Boomtowns Big Business in mining

11 Farming Beef Business Farming Transcontinental railroad Long drive
Homestead Act of 1862 Sodbusters “Great American Desert” blooms

12 Farming Business Debtors Populism Coxey’s Army and Pullman’s strike
“The issue is socialism versus capitalism. I am For socialism because I am for humanity.” -Eugene Debs

13 Golden McKinley and Silver Bryan
1896 Election McKinley Republican Big business and wanted gold standard Bryan Democrat “Cross of Gold”speech advocating silver Split in party And the winner is… Big Business!!!! (McKinley)

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