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SDD’s Census and Survey Technical Support: 2018 activities

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1 SDD’s Census and Survey Technical Support: 2018 activities
Pacific Statistics Standing Committee meeting, Nadi, Fiji, 1 November, 2018 Michael Sharp, Statistics for Development Division

2 Acknowledgement I’d like to firstly acknowledge our dear friend and colleague, Pierre Wong, who sadly passed away in August this year. Pierre shared his skills and knowledge widely throughout the Pacific and he has been integral to statistical development and, of course, much happiness and laughter, in the Pacific region. Pierre contributed his brilliant mind and hard work to everything that I am about to present to you this afternoon.

3 Census and survey planning
Vanuatu 2019 National Sustainable Development Plan Baseline Survey Sample design Questionnaire design Field schedule Data capture system (CAPI) Classifications Wallis and Futuna 2018 population and housing census Mapping Household listing Data entry system (PAPI) Chuuk (FSM) 2018 household listing

4 Census and survey implementation
Kiribati 2018 household listing KI-NSO, UNFPA and UNICEF Field schedule and budget Questionnaire design (CAPI) Mapping Enumerator training CAPI support (South-South) Data processing Tonga 2018 disability survey TDoS, UNICEF and WG Sample design Questionnaire design (CAPI) Pilot test Enumerator training CAPI support (South-South) Data processing

5 Data processing, analysis and reporting
Tuvalu 2017 interim census Data processing and tabulation Analysis training Data set, report and policy briefs Solomon Islands 2017 Integrated Agricultural Survey Tuvalu 2015/16 household income and expenditure survey Data set and report Dissemination workshop Cook Islands 2015/16 household income and expenditure survey Niue 2015/16 household income and expenditure survey

6 Metadata documentation and microdata preservation
World Bank funded through the Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building Three components: Microdata preservation and metadata documentation Microdata anonymization, standardisation and dissemination Optimised sampling strategies in small island states

7 Multiple indicator cluster survey partnership with UNICEF
Workshop 1 (regional): survey planning Workshop 2: data capture, processing and tabulation Kiribati 2018 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Sample design Capacity building Tuvalu 2019 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey

8 Capacity building Sub regional training in Stata and CSPro
Tonga prevalence of undernourishment (SDG 2.1.1) and food insecurity experience scale (SDG 2.1.2) Regional PoU and FIES FAO regional technical cooperation programme Samoa disability monologue infographics and dissemination workshop Tuvalu disability analysis workshop QGIS workshop in partnership

9 Methodological best practice: The RMI HIES experiment
Partnership with EPPSO, the World Bank, ILO, FAO, UNICEF and SPC Funded by EPPSO, World Bank, NZ-MFAT and SPC Three main components: Testing new technology (CAPI) and backup protocols in small island states Inclusion of complementary survey modules Testing optimal methods for the collection of consumption data

10 Data analysis: Pacific Food Systems
Partnership with the University of Wollongong and WorldFish Funded by ACIAR Secondary analysis of HIES data: Consumption estimates Demand estimates Dietary diversity Access to macro-and-micro nutrients Food security and food systems Secondary analysis of trade data to estimate volume and value of food trade

11 Other statistical developments
Pacific Strategic Plan for Agricultural and Fisheries Statistics (P-SPAFS) Pacific Nutrient Database (PNDB)

12 Thank you

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